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Loyola Crest
- Contributions -
Loyola Crest
    This page contains YOUR contributions to the Loyola Page. I have heard from many of you and you have come up with some brilliant ideas to make fellow Loyoleans more at home when surfing for their Alma Mater. This is just my effort to bring all you folks together and to provide a platform where you can share your memories and relive some of those memorable moments your spent at Loyola. Please feel free to send your contributions to me and I will put them here. I may not be the most efficient of fellas ... as I sometimes take my own sweet time to update things (Don't believe me? Ask Hartmut!). But I am busy with my job (yeah... gotta earn the bread) and other extra-curriculars (!!!) ... so pals, dont be too hard on me. Besides, better late than never... right ? So keep your contributions and commens coming... and in the meantime... surf the following. They are well worth every second you spend on them! Happy Surfing!

    Hartmut Feige's Contributions      (Added 28th June 2000)
    The Quadrangle... as it looked in 1994
    Several other photos from Hardy' album.
    Parts of a Loyola School brocuhre published in 1959.
    Hartmut's article for the Golden Jubilee Souvenir
    and more...

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