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Loyola Crest
1947 - ...
Golden Jubilee
Loyola Crest

    Loyola celebrated its Golden Jubilee in 1997. The gala celebrations that marked the event were the talk of the town and the local newspapers just couldn't stop talking about them. Loyola School received congratulatory messages from all over the globe, from Fr. Superior General in Rome, from ex-principals, ex-teachers, proud students and other well wishers. In a souvenir booklet distributed to the alumni on the occasion, all these congratulatory notes were combined into a nostalgic city of memories and remembrance. The booklet include messages from Fr. Superior General, the Principal, the Rector, the provincial, Mr. J. J. Irani, Mr. F. Fanthome(I.S.C. board) and many other faces very familiar to the entire Loyola Family.

    Here are some excerpts from these messages.

    The Good news of the Golden Jubilee of Loyola School has brought me much joy. The pleasant memories of my visit to your school last year are still fresh in my mind. I vividly remember the enthusiasm of the students, the dedication on the staff and the zeal of the Jesuits serving in the school. It is therefore with great pleasure that I send you my felicitations on the occasion of the golden Jubilee. This is an occasion not only to thank the Lord for the enormous amount of good that has been accomplished in and through the school during these fifty years but also to recall with gratitude so many men and women who have been instrumental in its growth and progress.

    Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, SJ
    Superior General

    22 Oct., 1996.

    As I reminisce over the fifty glorious years of Loyola's existence and growth, my heart fills with love, admiration and pride for the fertile soil which the school provides to the five year olds, who enter its portals for the first time in Kindergarten, to leave as responsible human beings.

    From Classes in a bus and makeshift rooms in the Chotanagpur Club in 1947, Loyola now makes excellent facilities available to its students in impressive buildings.

    Loyola's aim is to educate men and women for others, to mold mature persons who are proud to be Indians, individuals who care for the poor and the marginalised, people who put SERVICE before SELF. Along with human excellence, Loyola also aims at academic excellence. Hence a balance of academics as well as co-curricular activities, is emphasised.

    My association with Loyola dates back to the year 1974 when I was appointed prefect of the Boys' hostel. Then I had a year of enriching experience as Vice-Principal(1984-85). As Principal from July 1992, I have been shouldering the responsibilities of taking Loyola ever forward on the path of progress and achievement.

    I would like to remember and thank God for all the past Teachers, Co-workeres, Principals and Jesuits who have worked tirelessly to make Loyola what it si today. I feel privileged and humble that God has given me an opportunity to serve Loyola. I hope to leave to posterity my love-filled service to this great institution.

    God bless you, Loyola, and everyone who is serving to help your flag forever fluttering!

    Loyola, I LOVE you. May you continue to prosper with God's blessings in the years to come.

    Fr. Pius Fernandes, SJ

    28 Dec., 1996

    There will be more excerpts here soon. Please be back soon.

    Laying the foundation for the new building.

    Foundation Stone
    The foundation stone for the Golden Jubilee Block

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