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Providing News and Information for Living in Harmony with Mother Earth


This site will be an ever changing site all about sustainable living and our journey into it. Please check back whenever you can to see new additions or changes. There will be many during the next few years. 

Many people want to help the world's ecology by recycling and reusing non-biodegradable materials. Unfortunately, that method only slows the process of garbage, water, and air pollution. What we need to do is stop using things that are not biodegradable - or at least stop using non-biodegradable things that we don't truly need. 

Think about all the things just within three feet of you that you don't really need. Now, think really hard about what is biodegradable and what isn't. It's very scary when you look through your entire house this way. But now, think about how much energy your house is using: Air conditioning in the summer, heating in the winter, gas stoves, your car, your appliances. Very scary? Yeah. That's why I'm giving this up. It costs way too much money to run nowadays with gas prices and oil prices as high as they are. Still think you can't live without these things. What if you don't have to, but can change the way your appliances run? Why don't we delve into the magic world of sustained living now?