"Despite centuries of brutal colonialism in which Shamanism has been attacked as diabolical superstition, indigenous communities have kept the heart of their tradition wisdom beating. Today it is these perennial teachings that may save the modern world from asphyxiating itself with the toxic byproducts of its own ignorance. For, as we rush headlong into the abyss of environmental catastrophe, Shamanism reminds us of the fragile beauty of the web of life; that creation is not a resource to be coerced into fulfilling our insatiable appetites, but a living wonder to be respected. It roots us in our common mother the Earth; reawakening an awareness of all living things as her extended family, not products in some factory farm. While contemporary society fragments, Shamanism refreshes ancient memories of harmonious human community and offers us hope. The western world, dominated by scientific materialism and consumerism, has amassed extravagant wealth to conceal a spiritual vacuum. But the profound enigmas of existence have not gone away and ever greater numbers of people yearn for more meaning than the fleeting world of fashion and gimmicks can possibly provide. Shamanism answers this fundamental need. It teaches us to reach below the surface of modern superficialities and reconnect with something old and mysterious within the depths of our soul." 

--Timothy Freke, Shamanic Wisdomkeepers

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