Grant's Home Page for Information on Depression
Many Paths,
...One Destination
This web site is intended as a starting point for finding information on the subject of depression. I have attempted to select those things that I feel are of value to people who are searching for information on depression. This includes sites, articles, poetry, essays, help resources and much more. Here you will also find my own personal story. I hope you find what it is you are looking for.
                                                                                          Grant Aitken
As I think, so shall it be
Don't believe
...Know you will beat depression!
Looking for some input from you, the viewer. I like to hear about your thoughts on depression and Isolation. It was a topic that I brought up at my last depression group meeting with my therapist. Do you oftern feel that you don't get the emotional support you need at times?
If you find any dead links please let me know, so I can remove them or fixt them.
Depression Links - selection of sites that cover issues relating to depression and personal sites as well My Story - my battle with depression Articles - selected articles relating to depression
Poetry - people sharing their thoughts, feelings through poetry
Awakening - an article of inspiration
Help Resources - find a support group in your area  Cdn. USA   Intl
Personal stories of Depression - people sharing their experiences 
Meditation - learn about the calming affects of meditation
Anxiety - links to sites that deal with Anxiety
Books/Supplements - learn what books I've read and read articles on the use of supplements
My Writings - articles I've written about depression
Alternative Sites - sites that look at recovering the soul and finding peace Updated
Featured Link - Depression Homepage This site offers information on depression such as types and treatments available. It includes a personal touch with poems, personal stories, book reviews and a message board. Also included are articles, tests, quotes, links, awards and much more. Check it out!!
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Updated October 15,2001
Depression Homepage
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The information contained in this site is by no means intended to replace the advice of a qualified professional.