Hello! This is my generator page. It contains quite a few now! This site is meant as a resource and help mainly to RPG and other game designers to produce names for things (which can be a challenge i assure you!). Im not charging any money for these, its just a hobby of mine to expand my knowlage of Javascript. This page will be updated as frequently as i make the generators, so check back often!

Have you created anything from ideas off these generators, or perhaps used them in some way? Drop me a line over email, im always interested to hear about it, or perhaps see some of it too ;).


DBZ Character Generator - Generates a random DBZ character, complete with special attack!
Ship Name Generator - Generates a possible name for a ship. (Air ships, boats, space ships etc)
Monster Generator - Generates a random monster and a few details.
RPG Character Generator - Generates a possible RPG character with details.
Superhero Generator - Generates a new super hero/heroine to protect the world!
Beer Generator - Generates a beer and a small description.
RPG Namer - Comes up with a name for your RPG games.


Melee Weapon Generator - Generates the name of a melee weapon.
Add-On Generator - Generates an add-on or extra piece of equipment with details.
Armour Generator - Generates a piece of armour along with details.


Power Generator - Generates an energy attack. (My first generator!)
Magick Generator - Generates a magick spell/summon.


Insult Generator - Generates a random insult for arguments! (Very offensive, be warned)

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All Content Copyright 2004 Gareth Tamplin unless otherwise stated.