My dearest friend Elaine
This is a day I wished I could be beside you
You are a wonderful friend
and a unique MOM for me
I love you so much
I've enjoyed having you , like I enjoyed having
no other friend in my life
I wish that you have a WONDERFUL birthday
I wish that all your wishes come true
I wish that things go better for you in the next year of your life
I love you !!!

And here's a cake I wish we'd be eating together
But never mind ;) Have fun eating it
Don't forget to make a wish as you blow the candles

I got you a few gifts from here and there ,
I hope you like them !

Nah... That's not even half as great as you are ! Here's a birthday star I got you , :)

And now I have a cheery birthday tear drop for you !
Isn't the angel just cute?
Not as cute as you !!!

And here's your doll , Look Mommy , the baby is me ;)

And how would you like a birthstone angel ?

That was fun , wasn't it ?
So here's a Birthstone Bear for you !!!

Speaking of your birthstone which is PEARLS
That reminds me of giving you , your Birthday Gift !!!
Click on the gift box to open your gift.

Now to sum things up , and give you the final hug , I have made you an archieve of all gifts I have made for you before . It's nice to have them all on one page , isn't it? So click below to go to your archieve of previous gifts your daughter has made you.

All contents and graphics on this page have been made only for my dearest friend Elaine , by Negar © 2002, and they belong only to her. The graphics specified here are adoptions and not made by me.