Home page of Galvorn The Third

This is a preliminary page for GalvornIII.  It may be under construction, maybe I'll never touch it again.

My Space Idea
My Apt Photos


I put this page together so I could display some pictures of my new apartment, and also (mainly) b/c I finally wrote down one of the many many idea's that I've had.  Actually, few of my ideas are very original, in my opinion.   Really, they're nothing more than an amalgamation of things I've heard or read or saw somewhere else.  Maybe no one has put them together the way I have, or maybe there's some minuscule distinction that I've added.  The one bit of originality necessary for the idea to go from nebulous to specific.  Maybe it's pure plagerization.  But - hey, if you're here and you read any Idea I publish, and if you never heard of it before or heard it said quite this way, then I have imparted something new to you.  If I manage that, then I've succeeded.  Ideally, I'll inspire someone to do something, or take some action to help move an idea along to fruition.  Or maybe I'll say something so stupid you'll feel compelled to write me to tell me all the flaws in my logic.  Either would be welcome.

Maybe you're just here to have a laugh; That's great too!  As long as I elicited some type of reaction, then I'm happy.

Who I am: Nick (email me)
I am originally from Hoboken, NJ, but am currently living in London, on the Isle of Dogs.  I work in technology (but then again, who doesn't these days.)

My Apartment Pictures
Space Colonization Plan
Consumer Robotics Plan
(coming soon)
File Encryption Idea
A Matter of Scope - Short Story
My Current Bookmarks
Three Simple Questions, Answered
Birthday Pics and Movies
<-- Easy Navagating, with Titles
Julia's Birthday Celebration
Javascript format, feedback welcome
Private Label Boxes Demo
Claire's Birthday Celebration
Javascript format, feedback welcome
Donald's BBQ
Javascript format, feedback welcome
By the way, according to www.thespark.com, my personality profile says I'm a:

Special Section Highlight

Check out the Guest Bedroom Page in the "My Apt Photos" section!!

My Space Idea
My Apt Photos

