- A Beckoning Plea -

The webmasters of the Game Shrine took months creating the Game Shrine.  We spend hours and hours working on each of the pages you've come to enjoy.  As long as you give the Game Shrine credit for any edited pictures removed from this site, we are more then happy to share.  Give us a link off your page, as well as e-mailing a Game Shrine webmaster giving us your URL (web page address).   We'd love to take a look!

- Graphics?? -

Of course the Game Shrine doesn't take credit for the characters/graphics/games/etc we are advertising here.  What we DO take credit for is the work we put into editing pictures, making the pages, working with the HTML, designing, creating, and everything else we did to make the Game Shrine what it is.

The Game Shrine is a totally non-profit page.  We are here to advertise for good games/characters (we do this free of charge of course).  We worship the games, hence the "Shrine" title.

- Dedications -

Squaresoft Rules!  I wouldn't be gaming today if it wasn't for this wonderful organization of Gods.  I worship the ground you walk on, Square!

Sony Rocks!  I couldn't be gaming without my beautiful PS systems (All of them:  PSX, PS1, PS2).

original webmistress of the Game Shrine