The Game Geek

An Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Resource Page.

My first experience gaming was in 80-81' playing Dungeons & Dragons. From this point I've been gaming off and on and still am. Most of the stuff archived here is for the 1st edition rules which I still use. To quote one of my friends "The thing that's wrong with 3rd edition (AD & D) is 4th edition. So I stick to the old school. Below are various new monsters, character classes, races, and articles that I've made up for my game. My old site for a game I ran briefly is where I'm lifting most of this stuff from you can check it out by going here.

Also, feel free to get a hold of me if you have questions or would like to add something to this page. Feel free to copy, paste, take, borrow, and steal my ideas off  this page for personal use only!!! If you work for some game company and want to use this stuff for a project, you'll have to get in touch with me first. Thanks! 

Paul de Valera, Game Geek.

Monsters (creatures that I've used to bash my PC's around)

Character Races (New Character Races to spice up your game world)

Character Classes (All kinds of new character classes for your players or NPC's)

Articles (Rants, tactics, and a whole mess of new rules to add depth to your game)



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