About The Games Circle
Greetings and welcome to The Games Circle official website.

The Games Circle is the official distributor for Games Workshop's Warhammer & Warhammer 40K miniatures, Rackham's Confrontation miniatures and Privateer Press's Warmachine miniatures in Malaysia.

The Games Circle also serves as a games retailer and club who is extremely committed to fulfilling the gaming and collecting needs of all the Malaysian gamers, particularly the miniatures wargaming section. Our objective is to be a one-stop centre where all gamers and collectors are able to find whatever they are looking for at our club-store, located in Damansara Jaya.

The cost of miniatures gaming and collecting has risen very sharply over the past few years. This is attributed to a few factors. The increase in the number of miniature-gamers worldwide causing an increase in demand is probably the biggest contributor to the overall price increase. Secondly, high shipping cost to bring the goods from overseas and the particularly weak Malaysian Ringgit currency exchange against other major foreign currencies aggravates the high pricing even further.

It is thus one of Games Circle primary objectives to ensure that this hobby is made affordable to more Malaysians by attempting to drive the various costs down in a bid to keep the pricing as low possible. One such method is to reward our loyal clients and members with a higher discount structure.

At the Games Circle, we believe in providing a comfortable and cool gaming environment to ensure our members are able to carry out their gaming sessions comfortably.

We have all forms of gaming at the Games Circle - tabletop gaming, board-gaming, card gaming and RPG gaming. Almost all of these games are strategic in nature, requiring some strategic plans to acquire victory against someone else's tactical mind. These games can be played by gamers of all age ( Age 12 and above ) and of any profession. It doesn't matter if you're a kid or a grandfather and it doesn't matter if you're a student or a scientist - if you like fantasy or science-fiction, you are bound to find something of interest here. Fans of the Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Braveheart and Terminator movies will definitely like our games. Chess players will definitely find these games a refreshing change from their normal chess games. Here are a few scenes of our typical weekend gaming night.

Of course not everyone likes gaming. There are those who collects beautifully sculpted miniatures for their display collection and there are those who like miniatures painting or modelling.

At the Games Circle, you make friends easier than anywhere else because everyone there shares an almost similar interest. Join our gaming sessions and your lives will never be dull again!

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Gaming & Other Activities
Find out about the many games that are played at the Games Circle or about miniatures collecting and painting
GC Hall of Honour
This is where we pay tribute and recognition to GC members who have contributed significantly to the development of wargaming hobby in the Games Circle
Latest News & Updates
Find out the latest happenings at The Games Circle. Also contain all the GC Tournament Schedules and Rules Updates
Contact The Games Circle
How to contact the Games Circle
Copyrights Reserved & Disclaimers
Copyrights for all photos on miniatures displayed in this website and disclaimers for unauthorised usage of certain trademarks

Copyright 2007 The Games Circle. All rights reserved.