Death is no fearsome mystery.
He is well known to thee and me.
He hath no secrets he can keep
to trouble any good man's sleep.

Turn not thy face from Death away.
Care not he takes our breath away.
Fear him not, he's not thy master,
rushing at thee faster, faster.
Not thy master but servant to
the Maker of thee, what or Who
created Death, created thee
--and is the only mystery

Lily is a woman of average height and weight, though she could almost be considered voluptuous. Her hair is long and blonde, and twisted into a braid that hangs down her back. You cannot see her face as she is wearing a black lacquered mask; the only holes cut in the smooth surface of the mask are for her eyes. Her eyes are a pale blue, though the left one looks bloodshot. She wears black for her colors, though the clothing varies. Black and storm grey. The only constants to her wardrobe are her black mask, long black gloves, and other articles of clothing that do not leave any part of her skin exposed.

The self-crowned Queen of Blood and Bone is a twisted individual. It's known that she prefers the company of the dead to the company of the living; some say in all arenas. Lily is renowned for her necromantic ability, and hates the current Queen of Amber with an unholy passion. However, as of yet, she has sat in her shadow and brooded over the situation rather than doing anything about it.