Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles
old moogle    New moogle
Many people love to slam this game for some strange reason. It is sorta sad, but then many people say this is a great game. The game lacks in storyline and a few other things, but that is okay.

The good things are a special option called multiplayer. Of course we all know that means more players. For example: you and 2 friends could posible go in a dungeon and fight a boss called Malboro, from other typical final fantasys. Another cool thing is the dungeons, most of them have fairly good music and a cool layout, you could go one way and the next time you enter you can choose another path! It also has a special option to choose 8 players out of 32. It would have been better with more then 8, but thats okay. There are 4 tribes:Clavats,Liltys,Yukes,and Selkies. I personally have 2 clavats, 4 liltys, and 2 selkies. Yes, a lot of people love the litlys. They are the smallest of the tribe, but they pack quite a punch. The clavats are nice, but from what I've seen at ign(pictures from their, they get credit) many people don't like em. There are a total of 32 characters to choose from, not them 8 losers. The yukes are good at magic, and suck at everything else! I like the green one, I called him Lary. The selkies are nice. I took none of the two on their, but I took some different stuff. You can even name them. You also have a family, you can't name em, but they serve a purpose. You can buy them a cow, send them letters, have them grow crops for you, and thats it. Their are also many minigames to attend to! The last cool thing is getting a heart power up, it feels so exiting getting them. trust me. The last thing is the food process. Eating food restores health. But each race likes different foods, like lilty's like meat but hate apples, and clavats love Apples and hate fish. You can either increase or decrease those stas, more then likely
increase!  You can even paint your moogle!  Actually the artifacts you find increse your stats and so can armor. Some artifacts like earth pendants will make an extra heart appear, meaning your heart level can go up to 8 and sometimes 9 if you find an artifact you already have.

The bad parts... Sadly, you only can choose 8 of 32 great characters. Another bad thing is that the moogle always gets tired. The misama streams are really a pain. There is also a lack of puzzles and of a storyline. Not many events happen in dungeons, but a few. It also takes several gba and cords to play multiplayer sadly! The last thing is the fact

This is a game I feel that most gc owners should get. Other then the fact it taked several gba to play multiplayer, the single player mode is so awesome, I never even played multiplayer alone. It still lacks side quest, but you'll spend most of your time in dungeons getting cool items and artifacts. The bosses are coo, too. So my advice, get 30$ to 50$ and buy your self this game amedialty(bad spelling prblem)

These moogles are much better than normal ones!
They are clavats. They can kick some monster butt!
They are the adorable Liltys!
They are the boring yukes, we'll the green one looks cool.
They are the selkies, males are mistaked for females.
This here is the coolest            This here is the mushroom
dungeon in the Game!              Forest, another cool place.
The gameplay looks kinda       This is the real gameplay. It's
like it, but this is japanese here.  also a cool dungeon.
These are Misama streams, as I mentioned, they are anoying. You must have the correct element to pass! But it looks so amazing. You'd think so too, as you can see in the picture.
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Walkthrough-by *&%#?
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Final Fantasy crystal chronicles
Avalible at most stores for 30 to 50$$$.