The Screaming Eagles...
Formerly named Elite Battalion, we here at The Screaming Eagles are starting over.  From issues regarding flawed leadership, disorganization, lack of communication, and poor team coordination, by starting over, we hope to fix and improve on these problems. 

Yet with a now changed clan we continue to stress the "Elite" part of our former name.  We will only recruit top players, who's skills diversify in many areas - our recruiting program is very strict.

Standing for Honor, Justice, Integrity, Excellence and Brotherhood we uphold what is right and lead by example.  We are wholly against cheating and will not tolerate such behavior.

We encourage all to stop by our servers whether it be designated for Recruiting or not, but plan on having a good clean game packed with lots of fun and humor.

We dont have any age restrictions, but in certain cases may refuse applicants under the age of 13. 

Our recruiting field only engulfs the Northern part of North America (America and Canada).   We will not accept any European players because of time differences.  We only recruit English speaking players.

We expect strong language be kept to a minimum on the battlefield, and flame wars are prohibited.

Areas of Operation:

The servers the clan members use the most are:

-- "Hungover..."  
--- our unofficial server
(Host:  HK)

-- "]SE[ suck it down" 
--- 24/7 dedicated ]SE[ server
(Host:  Hidnrage)

-- "]SE[ vs ALL! BRING IT ON!!"  
---  special events server
(Host:  AHTOH)
If you have any questions please e-mail me at:
(C) 2003 The Screaming Eagles.  All rights reserved.