OK, so I finally decided to create another web page. Maybe one day I'll put that expensive DreamWeaver liscence I paid good money for to use and create an honest-to-God site, but for now whatever junk I have the energy to throw up here will have to do.

For those of you just looking for the quick version, this is me according to a personality survey from Rum and Monkey. Take the quiz from my link and it'll send me an email saying how campatible we are (awwww... ain't that sweet!).
I'm a generally unfuckwitted, liberal, not-too-generous, not-too-selfish, pathetically simple-minded, dribbling child!
See how compatible you are with me!
Brought to you by Rum and Monkey

My Photo Album (pre-Beta version)
My Little Padawan (or; More Marcus, but with a Star Wars theme)
My Friends
My Co-workers
Quotage (also highly Beta-ish)

There's more information about me here. There's more, older pictures here.

As for the quick bio, here goes. I was born Dec. 28, 1978 in Iowa City, IA. I lived for my first 7 years in St. Joseph, MO, then my mom and I moved to the L.A. subburbs for a little over 5 years. We came back and lived in Iowa for 6 months, then we moved to Kansas City where I finished school. I lived in Columbia, MO for a year where I attended the University of Missouri, then I transfered to Missouri Western State College in St. Joseph for my last 3 years of college (the 1st I lived in KC, the last two in St. Joe). I got a job after graduation with Cerner in Kansas City, and I've been living here for about a year and a half.

My degree was in English-Technical Communication. I'm a technical writer, which means I work on the Help files that come with your software, as well as write or edit anything else the company puts out.

I have a son, Marcus (named after the character from Babylon 5, not the former Cheifs running back) who's almost 2. His mother and I are divorced, and I have 1/2 custody of him, not just every other weekend, which is good because he's the only true joy in my life most days. He's smart and looks like me too (or at least how I looked when I was younger).

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