In the book, the design concept of Ferrocement beam is discussed in depth so that it will get total exposure for designers' comments and furtherence to more economical designs.

Ferrocement is easy to execute material. This is so because construction system convinient to to execute can be easily adopted. One such new construction system with Ferrocement is introduced by Mr Hemant Vaidya and it was named as Stagewise Ferrocement (SWF) system which is explained in the book at a length.

Suppose beam of length is to be casted that will weigh about 1000 kg. Now, if it is precasted then, no doubt centering can be got rid off, but it will ask for elaborate erraction arrangements. However, if this beam is partly precasted as stage one; placed in position having manageable weight and then given full section in situ as stage two, easy to execute execution is achieved. This is nothing but the SWF construction.

Present big Ferrocement constructions many a times use welding for erecting these skeletons so that necessary stiffness is provided for taking up matrixing. This whole process can be deleted by SWF constrution.

Ready Reconer in tabulated forms appear in the book for beams design, lintels/chhajjas and slab panels.

Apart from this quite few aspects related with Ferrocement Housing are explained in the book.

The price of the book is US$25 only .
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