"Thru howling winds and pouring rain, all evil shall fear The Hurricane!"


||-||Forward||-|| CWO. Soul Survivor has come and passed as we see a new Television champion which is the Hurricane. People highly doubted the Hurricane but he pulled through…that same night villain Hart attacked the Hurricane for no reason. Well this week it’s a hardcore rules match between the Hurricane vs……The Hitman..Bret Hart! Wow what a match Hurricane was put in…what does this Showdown have in store for us as Steve Corino is set to sign the commish papers…is this really going to take place? You will have to wait and find out! Showdown! ||-||End Forward||-||


\\-CWO logo fades up-//

\\- We see a vehicle riding up a mountain as we zoom in and it’s the Hurri-Cycle! Inside the Hurri-Cycle are Bill Clinton, Daphney Aguilera and none other the CWO’s new TV champion and Television champ.. The Hurricane! They are still riding up the mountain as they speak -//

-:-“Former President” Bill Clinton -:- Woo! We gonnna have a blast up here! We can get pissed drunk, girls…and more girls! Woo Hillary wont suspect anything.. So you wanna you know…you know…do it Daphney?

-:-“Christina’s Cousin” Daphney Aguilera -:- E God no! You disgusting perv…what the hell’s the matter Hurricane make this crap you call a car go faster..faster!

-:-“CWO Super Hero” Hurricane -:- Holy Smokes citizens…can you both shush already, The Hurricane is getting a hurri-ache hearing both of you citizens whine..we will be there.

\\- The camera starts zooming away as we see them closer…-//

Scene: The arrival…

\\- Scene opens back up with Hurricane, Bill and Daphney getting out of the Hurri-Cycle and standing front of the entrance…The door opens as out comes none other then Mr. Burns… -//

-:-“Mr. Excellent..” Mr. Burns -:- Hello fible minded people. Take care of my hotel…yes but be careful as it might be hard to care take..

-:-“CWO Super Hero” Hurricane -:- No fear citizen, The Hurricane is here with his hurri-friends! Nothing will harm this hotel..

-:-“Mr. Excellent..” Mr. Burns -:- Excccellentt..

\\- The Hurricane walks in as Mr. Burns is laughing sadistically…All three get their room as the Hurricane is walking around -//

-:-“CWO Super Hero” Hurricane -:- This seems like a proper place to rest for this Sunday’s match. This is very ‘Excellent’ but not the kind of Excellence that the vile Bret Hart is known for. I will wipe out Fiend Hart like I defeated the Fiend Flair, and completely HURRIBANISHED him out of CWO!

\\- Clinton approaches -//

-:-“Former President” Bill Clinton -:- So when are we getting some bitches up in here? Oohhhh weee!

-:-“CWO Super Hero” Hurricane -:- Citizen Bill is that all your simple mindedself is in pursure of? I am presueing my dream of wiping out all the villains in the CWO…like that nasty fiend Hart.

-:-“Former President” Bill Clinton -:- Don’t worry ‘bout his sorry behind…with all seriousness Hurricane…you will defeat Bret Hart…I mean his canadian!

-:-“CWO Super Hero” Hurricane -:- Perhaps…But a true hero is always prepared for the worse…and thinking about it, it’s a h..h…hardcore rules match…which means I am able to use my extra ordinary powers.. Ha! That fiend does not stand a hurri-chance…

\\- Day 2 begins… The Hurricane feeling proud walks around as he senses something as in the other room daphney is inside..already the pressure is starting to get to her as he doesn’t hear anything but picks up something which Daphney is thinking.. Weird… -//

-:-“CWO Super Hero” Hurricane -:- Holy Smokes…

Hurricane picks up

How should I kill Bill and Hurricane..I cant take this crap anymore, both of them want me and im tired of this place…MUST KILL THEM!

-:-“CWO Super Hero” Hurricane -:- GeeWilikers!

\\- Hurricane spins around as he is about to head off but bumps into..Gary Coleman!…-//

-:-“What you talking about??” Gary Coleman -:- Come here Hurricane…

\\- Both walk in a room as they sit down -//

-:-“CWO Super Hero” Hurricane -:- How did you get here..

-:-“What you talking about??” Gary Coleman -:- I will get into that later but as you know you heard Daphney thinking evil things…Hurricane you have the gift that few of us have..

-:-“CWO Super Hero” Hurricane -:- Right, my hurri-powers

-:-“What you talking about??” Gary Coleman -:- No fool..something far more greater…its called…The Hurrining..

\\- Hurricane imitates Gary -//

-:-“CWO Super Hero” Hurricane -:- What you talkin’ ‘bout Gary??! The Hurrining?

-:-“What you talking about??” Gary Coleman -:- It allows you to hear people’s thoughts without them even knowing..

\\- They continue talking as the scene closes…Day 3 is upon us as Hurricane is walking around he passes by Bill -//

-:-“CWO Super Hero” Hurricane -:- Greetings citizen!

-:-“Former President” Bill Clinton -:- Greetings? Greetings? Where the hell are the bitches man…

-:-“CWO Super Hero” Hurricane -:- Don’t turn your back on me Bill…

-:-“Former President” Bill Clinton -:- Confused… Uhhh what are you talking about Hurricane..If this is about your match … no worries man im behind you all the way.

\\- Hurricane walks passed Bill as he of course had read Bills thoughts… Hurricane continues as he goes into the ball room. Hurricane sits down as he is there day dreaming…he then has flashes of Daphney and Bill both dead with each of them killing each other…in different ways, horrifying thoughts as he breaks the day dream and see’s behind the bar Green Latern.. -//

-:-“CWO Super Hero” Hurricane -:- Green Latern?

-:-“Hurricane’s fave” Green Latern -:- Whats the matter Hurricane?

-:-“CWO Super Hero” Hurricane -:- Come on Latern..you don’t know? I got this big match and now both of my friends are threatning the Hurricane…In their minds..

-:-“Hurricane’s fave” Green Latern -:- Never forget that you’re a hero…and they have nothing on you…like Hart..You have the powers Hurricane use ém …

\\- Day 4 as now there is a big blizzard as Hurricane is walking around as he spots Bill Clinton sharping a ax.. then Daphney in the other room watching TV. -//

-:-“CWO Super Hero” Hurricane -:- Holy Cripes..Well the Hurricane will have to use his hurri-telligence to outwit everyone in this hotel…like in my match with that fiend Hart..Vile Hart you like many others will be …


\\- We then see Bill come out of the room as he says -//

-:-“Former President” Bill Clinton -:- Hereesss….Bill! Hahaha

\\- The Hurricane then starts backing off as Bill stays there laughing…whats up with Bill has the aloneness killed him? What about Daphney…What about HURRICANE? Stay tuned to find out what will happen next…The Hurrining…-//

\\- Static -//

(c)pro-inc '02