"Thru howling winds and pouring rain, all evil shall fear The Hurricane!"


||-||Forward||-|| CWO. CWO the legendary fed that has been around for a long time. Has just decided to make a new show where the newcomers can come and reek havoc in the CWO. But where there is chaos…there is a Super Hero. This young Superhero has been around feds the likes of CWF V.2. Making his short statement while the fed lasted. The Natural Born super hero is now in CWO. As a member of the 20 Superstars of Adrenaline. The first card ever for Adrenaline is now up ran by Easy E. Making a huge Television Title Battle Royal for the main event. He also made one hell of a match which is Hurricane vs Randy Orton. Can the Hurricane become the first ever T.V champ? Or will Randy Orton stop the Hurricane in his tracks and eliminate him in the first round. We can only wait and see..||-||End Forward||-||


[+]CWO logo fades up[+]

[+]The scene opens up in the dark and gloomy Hurri-Cave. As the camera pans there a stall where all the costumes and mask of the Hurricane are. A picture hangs on the cave wall of Hurricane and the Justice League members. We see Alfred in the corner as he walks by the camera and sits down in a big master chair next to The Hurricane! They both watch TV as they needed the break from fighting evil all over the streets. Well Hurricane did…Alfred is just tired so he is taking a break. They both watch TV and speak at the same time. As on the screen a CWO Promo for Adrenalin appears and Hurricane speaks[+]

-:-“CWO Super Hero” Hurricane -:- Ah! CWO the place the Hurricane has been signed to save. To rid it of all evil…To defeat evil villains. To win the Television Title..Gee, that wasn’t part of the contract. Well Citizens you saw my opponent Villain Orton. All you Citizens across the Hurri-World saw what the future holds on store for the evil scumbag Orton. When will these scumbags learn that there is no future for evil doers. Cause all of the villains will soon be wiped out by my Hurri-Powers and the peaceful mortal world would be saved by not Superman, Not Batman..not even Green Latern. But by the CWO’s best and only super hero…The Hurricane! Isnt that right Alfred?

-:-“Hero Butler” Alfred -:- Yes Sir. It is true villains are scumbags. And what does the Hurricane do to scumbags? He wipes them out with his Hurri-bilities. Im tired of watching this boring CNN…they never have anything good like news on you The Hurricane, fighting crime and saving the day. Why don’t they have you on the news like the rest of the super hero’s sir?

-:-“CWO Super Hero” Hurricane -:- Why Citizen Alfred? Because there is one evil villain amongst the ranks. Who is in charge of CNN…where do you think Randy Orton got his ‘RNN’….from his scumbag father, Citizen Bob Orton! And that’s who we must see Alfred. We must reveal to the Citizens in San Diego that the reason why they’re soon to be T.V Champion and fellow Super Hero The Hurricane is never on CNN. Is because Bob Orton is a worthless villain that protects his ‘Future Villain’ Randy Orton. Citizen Alfred…we must schedule a meeting with CNN and I shall confront Citizen Bob Orton. CNN…Stand Back…there’s a Hurricane coming through!!

-:-“Hero Butler” Alfred -:- Right away Sir.

[+]The scene shows the Hurri-Symbol like in the old batman episodes. The scene opens back up with Hurricane on his Hurri-Cycle. He finally arrives at a building which the camera figures out for it to be the CNN Network building. Hurricane lands by hitting a Hurri-Pose…brewing up a loud woosh while he spins and runs into the building. Citizens that are passing by look at the Hurricane with a confused look. The scene opens back up inside the CNN Building as Hurricane goes into the set and speaks with the person in charge[+]

-:-“CWO Super Hero” Hurricane -:- No fear..The Hurricane is here. Now Citizens of San Diego. Do you all mind telling me where I can find Citizen Bob Orton?

[+]No body pays attention to him as they seem to be worrying because there “big story” hasn’t showed up and they are about to air. So Hurricane needs the damn attention so he gets on the news desk and stands up on it as he speaks[+]

-:-“CWO Super Hero” Hurricane -:- Citizens of San Diego. This is your super hero the Hurricane speaking. I am here to confront the villain which you all know as Bob Orton. Now which one of you good citizens would like to direct the Hurricane to his office.

[+]Again nobody pays attention as the Hurricane gets a bit angry and speaks louder[+]

-:-“CWO Super Hero” Hurricane -:- There is great danger for all you good citizens. And the only way I can stop it and save the day for you Citizens if one of you kind citizens would direct me to his office!

[+]Most people look at him finally as they have a grin on there face. They seem to want something from the Hurricane as they whisper in his ear. As he pouts then puts a thumbs up. He quickly jumps off the desk and into the seat as he is looking to be the anchor man for the tonights news. Hurricane is in his regular attire as some people are laughing because they cannot believe whats happening. They are rolling as Hurricane sits up properly and is ready..the camera goes on[+]

-:-“CWO Super Hero” Hurricane -:- Citizens across San Diego. This is your super hero speaking as I am filling in for your regular citizen anchor man. So lets see what we have. Well today is the first day of the new years and that means resolutions. How many of you citizens can keep them? I know the Hurricane can. And if you kind citizens want to hear one of Hurricane’s resolution its to rid the CWO of all evil and win the Television Title. One way the Hurricane can go through with that is defeating the owners child. Randy Orton…now don’t get me wrong citizens, he may seem like a nice young man but deep inside he is nothing but a evil villain seeking out to destroy the Hurricane and fill the T.V title with evil. But no fear citizens because the Hurricane is here to save the day. One thing the Hurricane cant do is save you from the dreadful villain I like to call…Commericials…we will be right back!

[+]The camera cuts off as the Hurricane signals to know how he is doing as they tell him to keep on. They signal that they are to start rolling in 5..4.3..2.1..as Hurricane gets ready they scream action[+]

-:-“CWO Super Hero” Hurricane -:- We are back to Hurricane News Network. HNN is going to give you citizens a real treat. Today you are going to meet the super hero that saves all the citizens day’s and rids the world of evil. You are going to meet the CWO’s best and only super hero…the Hurricane. Welcome Hurricane.

[+]Hurricane jumps to the other chair back in forth..when he is the “Hero-Interviewer” he is the anchor man…but when he is regular “CWO Super Hero” he is in the other chair as the person getting interviewed. So he does this back and forth and now he is starting regular.

-:-“CWO Super Hero” Hurricane -:- Thank you Hurri-Hero Hurricane. Just let me state first off…The Hurricane is going to defeat that evil villain Randy Orton and there’s nothing his villain father citizen Bob can do about it. Or I will be forced to wipe Citizen Bob out with my Hurri-Bilities also.

-:-“Hero-Interviewer” Hurricane -:- That’s terrific Hurri-Hero Hurricane. Goodluck in that. How does it feel to rid the world of scumbags like Randy Orton each and everyday!?

-:-“CWO Super Hero” Hurricane -:- Gee-Wilikers! Hurricane…your asking the Hurricane how it feels to save the day for all these kind and good Citizens? WHATSUPWIT’DAT!?! Hurri-Hero Hurricane let me tell you something. When you can Hurri-See a Citizens joyful face knowing that you have just saved theyre day. Doesn’t it bring good in you. But then what fills the Hurricane up with so much adrenalin to wipe out bad guys. Is evil villains like Randy Orton and the rest of the CWO knowing that they are harming themselves and the Citizens. But it doesn’t matter to them…all that matters is knowing they cannot be stopped. But that’s when I step in the Hurricane..and this Thursday I will wipe out Randy Orton and other villains and nothing is going to stop in the Hurricanes way of achieving that Hurri-Gold.

-:-“Hero-Interviewer” Hurricane -:- Holy Smokes. You could not be more right Hurricane. Well we all would like to know…

[+]At that moment Bob Orton and the original Anchor man walk in as Hurricane stops in his tracks and jumps out of his seat then puts his hands on his hips. As he walks off and the camera follows as Bob signals the anchor man to take over. Hurricane watches the anchor man do the news as he walks over to the scum that is Bob Orton. He approaches him, Hurricane looks at him from the toe up in a disgusted look.[+]

-:-“CWO Super Hero” Hurricane -:- Another day, Another meeting with a villain. Citizen Bob you know you are dispicable! Your evil son, Citizen Randy is facing me the Hurricane on Adrenalin. And you actually support a evil doer instead of San Diego’s very own Hurricane?

-:-“Dispicable” Bob Orton -:- Dispicable? Are you calling me a bad person sonny boy? I have you know my boy Randy is going to take you down Mr. I have a cape. You think your so tough? I tried to be nice but when a opponent of my son thinks my son is a evil “villain” whatever you called him. And barges in on my network calling my son a loser. It just ticks me off. My boy Orton is going to wipe the floor with you and win that Television Title. Because his ol’ daddy has trained him to win and nothing else. So I suggest you leave now Mr. Super Zero before I will be forced to call security!

-:-“CWO Super Hero” Hurricane -:- Gee-Wilikers Citizen Bob. Calm down before you have a Hurri-Attack. Im only here to confront you and make you see that your son is truly a evil villain out to do wrong and only wrong. So I suggest Citizen Bob..to talk with your villain son. Before he walks in the ring and is wiped out by my Hurri-Powers. Cause in the future he wont be fighting Hurri-Heros like me. He will be fighting short midget Citizens and he will be losing Citizen Bob. Because all the evil villains get what they deserve in the future.

-:-“Dispicable” Bob Orton -:- Suree….We are bad people Hurricane. Who cares if we are evil people…Randy is coming out as the Television Title champion. And he will have to beat your ‘hurri-ass’ before he can get to the Battle Royal…is that clear?

-:-“CWO Super Hero” Hurricane -:- Squeaky clean Citizen Bob. The only problem that the Hurricane has is. Citizens across San Diego saw the Hurricane on TV. This Hurri-Hero belongs on the Television. So every evil villain out there can see a true Hurri-Hero and they will fear the Hurricane. The Hurricane has great chemistry with the Television Title and Televisions. What does Citizen Randy have to offer T.V? A evil plan to try and destroy the world. And Citizen Bob we don’t want that do we? That’s why…

[+]Hurricane is stopped in his tracks once again as one of the staff of the newscasters comes and greets Hurricane they then began talking as Citizen Bob seems angry and goes back to his office[+]

-:-“CWO Super Hero” Hurricane -:- Greetings Citizen Jackie. How may Hurricane hurri-please you today?

-:-“News Staff” Jackie -:- Well one by letting me talk to you and another by accepting my great offer. I heard you speaking to Mr.Orton earlier about you and TV having great chemistry…and your totally right. That’s why I have an offer for you. You can become a full anchor man for us if you just sign under this contract.

-:-“CWO Super Hero” Hurricane -:- Gasp! Citizen Jackie are you offering the Hurricane a T.V spot?

-:-“News Staff” Jackie -:- Yes sir.

-:-“CWO Super Hero” Hurricane -:- Holy Smokes…The Hurricane has a chance to be a great Superhero and a great Anchor Man…for CNN..Citizen Jackie I Hurri-Love your offer but I have to decline.

-:-“News Staff” Jackie -:- Why you said “The Hurricane and T.V. have great chemistry” this is your chance to live up to your word.

-:-“CWO Super Hero” Hurricane -:- Citizen Jackie you may not understand because your not a Hurri-Hero. But I will never be controlled by a evil villain like Bob Orton. The Hurricane fights crime and does not help commit crimes. That’s why I have to decline on the TV Spot. But don’t worry your poor little head Citizen Jackie. The Hurricane is going to have something to do with T.V….when I become the Television Champion infront of all these citizens. There’s only one villain standing in my way and that’s Citizen Randy Orton. But no fear..the Hurricane is here. Citizen Randy will be wiped out with my superior Hurri-Powers. And onced I rid the CWO of Citizen Randy I will go on and win the Television Title. And then all evil doers will face the reality that once they step in the ring with the Hurricane. They will face the dreadful reality that they are going to be…


[+] Hurricane strikes a Hurri-Pose as citizen Jackie looks at him confused and leaves. [+]

-:-“CWO Super Hero” Hurricane -:- Television is not ready for the Hurricane. Stand Back CNN! There’s a Hurricane coming through!

[+]Hurricane spins around brewing a loud woosh as he runs off into the darkness (outside) as the scene fades to black[+]


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