National Practitioner Data Bank import specifications
Click here to download a Microsoft Acess 2000 file that includes import specifications to allow you to import the National Practiioner Data Bank files.
Their web page is here to download the database. It includes documentation on how to import the fixed-width file. I've simplified it by a step by including import specifications to let you more quickly import it into Acess 2000 or a later version of Access.
If you've never used import specifications before, begin importing the data like you would any text file. Then click on the "advanced" button shown in the lower left corner of the top picture. That brings up the screen shown at the bottom. Click on the "specs" bottom in the middle right and then select the National Practitioners database import specifications. This will save you the time of going through and setting up all of the fixed length import specifications.
I set up all of the fields to import as text. This is the simplest way to get all the data into your database. You will have to go through later on and change the field types for the different data. There are many blank spaces in the data that will import calculations and possibly sorting. You'll need to change the field types (to currency, or numeric, for instance) to get rid of the blank spaces.