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From a football discussion web site (in response to someone posting a link to this site):


That site you linked to is made by complete morons. Anyone who has a picture of the Gitsis version of the Garbage Plate is clearly misguided. There is only ONE original plate. A site that shows the original is here:


[url=]A REAL plate is the best. Settle for nothing else.[/url]


That should make you feel better. It really is good!


I don't know what those pictures were supposed to be of on that site, but I prefer garbage plates, myself.


The pictures of those "plates" looked more like a piles of puke. I wouldn't even feed those "plates" to pidgeons on the street. Those piles of puke have no resemblance whasoever to an actual Garbage Plate from Nick Tahous.


I would devote the majority of my discretionary time and energy in flaming the crap out of that site, but it isn't worth the time. There is only one garbage plate. Period.


Oh, And that "poll" was pure bootleg. I'm not sure what upsets me more, the existence of that website, or the fact that people actually consider a site like that as acceptible information about garbage plates. I am dumber for having even seen that site.



From an e-mail:


Yall from Ro cha cha sound like a bunch of trailer living, toofbrush sharing, townies, w/ your garbage plates.