AUGUST PROJECT...Choose a flower, plant or tree and tell special techniques for growing and care. For example, tell what soil preparation is necessary, best location for the plant, how and when to plant.

100-200 purrticipation points, depending on the amount of research and knowledge involved. An extra 50 points if your lecture is chosen for a new page.

BONUS POINTS...To earn an extra 100 points, tell what continued care is necessary for the plant you chose. How and when do you prune it? What types of fertilizers, mulches, etc., do you use? How do you prepare it for winter?
QUESTION FOR AUGUST...Can your favorite flower be used as an indoor plant? If so, tell any special techniques you would use for growing it inside.
20-50 purrticipation points, depending on the depth of the answer.
About Tulips...July 18, 2000...By Smokey
State Flowers...July 18, 2000...By Midnight H.and Smokey
SPECIAL PROJECT...Write a lecture on any topic of gardening or flowers or plants. The purpose is to try to teach us about that topic. The best, most detailed lectures will become a separate page in the Guild for further study.

100-200 purrticipation points, depending on the amount of research and knowledge involved. An extra 50 points if your lecture is chosen for a new page.

QUESTION FOR JULY...What is your favorite flower and why?
20-50 purrticipation points, depending on the depth of the answer.
PROJECT FOR JULY...Select a certain species of flower and write an essay about it. The essay should be at least two paragraphs long and contain interesting information about the species you choose. For example, if you choose a rose, try to select a certain species, like Floribunda, Grandiflora, etc.

50-100 purrticipation points, depending on the depth of the essay.

Flowers of the Month...July 1, 2000...By Cinnamon, Gus and Bo
Banners by Members...June 27, 2000...Suggested by Smokey