

The Map


This is a story a few years after The Tears of Dawn, The Path of Light. Its about an minotaur attack on the dwarven empire.

Play Advise

1 - Start with a new hero, if possible a dwarf and only use him for the campaign.
2 - Don’t chance the settings .
3 - You always play the red player (player1) no matter what tribe that player has.
4 - I tested all AI’s with knight level, if you need to chance that for a better AI, I will tell it in the victory conditions.

Install Instructions

If you unzip the zipfile you find 3 files (ChaperName.SCN, ChapterX.jpg and ChapterX.HTML).
The SCN file needs to be placed in the C:\Program Files\SSI\Warlords Battlecry\Scenario\ map (or the place where you installed BattleCry)
The HTMLand jpg file can be placed everywhere, but at least at a location where you can read it.

Every map comes with a story (the html file), you need to read the story before you play the map.
Keep the victory condition in mind, most maps aren't 'kill them all' maps.

Good luck


Inside, the screaming silence.
Inside it most remain.
No victory and no banquets
Only horror, only pain.