ðHgeocities.com/garfoly/Garfolys_Enchanter_Page.htmlgeocities.com/garfoly/Garfolys_Enchanter_Page.htmldelayedxugÔJÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÈ ø‡sOKtext/htmlÀ;Œsÿÿÿÿb‰.HTue, 13 Apr 2004 15:01:42 GMTT?Mozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *ugÔJs Enchanter's on Everquest
Enchanter's on Everquest
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You have invited an Enchanter to your group.

I'm not a bot, as evidenced by the fact that I left the safe confines of PoK. None of my hotkeys advertise the fact that my buffs are indeed extended. I didn't ask you to initiate a group invite via trade window.

Just because my class is superior to your own, doesn't mean that I'm unwilling to adapt to the classes, play-style or comfort level of your group. I'm really very adept at increasing the efficiency of your group in a multitude of ways.

Some of you will need to review some of the basics of group dynamics and tactics. I mastered most of these at Orc 1 in East Commonlands. Some took me awhile longer, but I got them down on Orc Highway in Oasis. I no longer have the patience or desire to reinforce these at go-time. The group is trying to kill stuff right now. And if I gently reminded you about these constants of life inside the game, you'd only exploded defensively--"Don't tell me how to play my class!"

Assist. GDI, Assist! It's not hard. Make a hotkey. Love it. Use it. That mob that is drooling on itself while you smash his buddy is standing there senseless for a reason. I put him in timeout. He's not tying his shoes. He'll still be there after the one that the MA is wailing on is dead. It is not a testament to how sneaky you are that you can get a free shot on him while he's not looking. In fact, he will run straight at me after you whack him, and I have more important things to do right now than stun him off and put him back into timeout.

Assist is not an optional rule. Yes, he's beating on the cleric. That's my job. The cleric will be ready to heal you in a few seconds. Just keep helping the MA.

MA? This refers to the Main Assist. This is the ONE PERSON with the authority to pick something to whack on. All other mobs in the world BELONG TO ME. I own them until the MA has bludgeoned his to death. This is imporatant: ALL JOO MOBS ARE BELONG TO ME!

That means that the mob hovering dangerously close to the group is MINE. That means the one beating on me is MINE. That means anything pulled into camp is MINE. As a group we have designated the one individual who can chose one of my many mobs to play with.

Let's talk about this MA again. He's special. Whatever he is hitting is the RIGHT MOB. Are you not sure which mob you should hit? It's the one that he is swinging at. Did I mez the mob he was hitting? Then I was wrong. I'll be retargeting and mezzing something else. It happens.

MA, yes you with the plate mail, don't switch targets. Once you've locked in on a victim, stick with it. I'll deal with whatever chaos ensues afterward.

Okay, I know it's against tank instincts to let the cleric take a beating. Okay, you trust me to deal with it myself. Let's cover another, even more likely scenario. I will get beaten on. Mobs don't like me. You may have seen the Wanted Poster we looted off the last mob. Yes, that was my picture. Mobs hate enchanters. When they beat on me, DON'T SAVE ME. I can take care of all of you, and I can take care of me. You will surely kill me if you try to hack up a mob I'm locking down. I don't want your help. I have a panic button that I'll hit if I really want your help. I think I've used it twice in the last couple of years.

Mr. Cleric. Guess what. I am going to need a heal. Don't sneer at me from behind that plate armor you're wearing and bitch about wasting mana on an enchanter. I do take into consideration your mana. My mana and your mana are group assets now. If I need a fast heal after locking down four or five mobs, so be it. Mana to throw me an occasional heal is far less than the mana you will expend healing our tanks with five unslowed mobs running rampant through the camp.

Oh, where is my Virtue? Don't want to waste a peridot? Click off C5. How much to do you pay for a group cast of C3 from my **POIT** brethren? Are they here to haste your group so mobs don't last as long--to keep those precious red lines from dropping as far? Suck it up. I'm not a wizard with no idea how to control aggro. I'm going to get it sometimes. Often on purpose.

Tell me again what I can't do? I can't pull? Let me bag my BCB and give the warrior a chance then. He's an excellent puller. He can single or double everytime. It's a good idea to have your tank or a DPS class out of the party on a consistent basis. I enjoy the time we spend together, even if it is at less than optimal experience.

My bad, did I imply that enchanter wasn't DPS class? Sorry, that hasted, dual-wielding monstrosity that outdamages the party as a whole doesn't count, right? But you don't like it when I charm anyway. I need a couple of heals when it breaks. He tends to break charm at inopportune times. Um...stun...and let's get this thing back under control so we can continue raping this dungeon or camp.

Hey all you dotting classes: Stop dotting the incoming pulls. The six-second mezzes don't make me happy. Especially if I've started debuffing. Find the one that belongs to the MA and dot to your hearts' content. Leave my mobs alone. Oh, but it's snared? Great, but I'm not a bard. I can't cast while running.

For you combat innate junkies...I only have eight slots for spells. That's about ten shy of what I need to do everything I'm expected to. I admit that I lack permanant illusion. So NDT / Boon is a dedicated slot. Unlike other casters, I don't have to select from 'little nuke', 'big nuke', 'ungodly nuke', 'malo' and 'snare' and scrounge the spell book for three more spells to make everything look nice in my UI. If others in your group (surely not you) are making my job difficult then I'm loading root instead of your werewolf form. Sorry for that. But suck it up.

No, you don't know which spells I should have loaded. Talk to the cleric who is chaining Celestial Heal on the tank and complains that he is OOM from CHealing.

When I miss a timer for a rebuff, wmp is not really neccessary. I do understand my role. Mana ALWAYS permits for haste. If I have to click off Rune and chew a mod rod to get it back up, there is always mana for haste. Even more so than mana regen in most cases. Don't be shy. "Haste, bitch!" works just as well.

Rangers and Necros - Aggro kiting, fear kiting, snare kiting, bow kiting...these are all excellent methods of crowd control. I am not arguing the utility of these techniques. I wish I had snare. But these are great ideas IF we have decided that this is how we're gonna operate BEFORE I have locked down, tashed and slowed mobs. Bad news for me. My aggro > Your aggro. If you insist on running dotted mobs all over the zone, please do solo. Don't let them run free in circles around camp, triggering my response of locking them down. Not nice to tease the chanter. Especially when I let you get eaten because I thought you were still just "bored" and "playing with the mob".

btw, Wake the Dead makes me smile.

IF you have explained to me that my job will be to just slow everything and nuke when I have mana, don't bitch when your technique of TRAIN-ROOT-KILL gets you killed. I said I could adapt. Yes, I'll be mezzing the rooted casters, but it's your ballgame and I'm gonna play by the rules. This method is kinda fun, but big boy rules, big boy hammer.

Lastly, I put away those "MEZZING %T." and "%T is MEZZED" hotkeys around level 45. I don't appreciate macro spam in group, so I try not to add to it. I don't care what nuke the wizard is using. I don't care what god the cleric invokes for healing.

If you see many mobs coming to camp, the MA will whack something and I'll take the rest. I don't feel the need to walk you through crowd control, mob by mob. Don't just whack whatever is closest to you. Don't whine that I didn't SAY I was mezzing it. How do you know I'm gonna mez something? Because it's running around in my camp. And it's not the designated target. (See MA above) I do have a set of macros saved to put these hotkeys back in for the benefit of the group. But c'mon. How different are the basics when pulling Orc 1 from Level 65 LDoN Hard? Just different models.

If you can't do the simple things, I going to let you die. None of that fancy, "You break it, you buy it~" nonsense. You will see your bind point if you can't play well with the chanter. Being relentlessly tell-spammed for C3 has made me a bitter, nasty toon to deal with.

Good Hunting.
Plane of Fire
My Favorite Links:
League of Levity
Enchanter site The Runes
EQ Traders Corner
Garfoly Gemuser 65th Enchanter of the Rathe
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You are number
   How to Charm Kite in HoH

You need to have the following spells up :

Comand of Druzzil (64th lvl Charm spell)

Bliss (64th lvl Mez spell)

Insanity (64th lvl DD spell)

Word of Morell (62nd lvl AE Mez spell)

Forlorn Deeds (57th lvl Slow spell)

Arcain Rune (61st lvl  self only 1500 HP Rune spell)

Pacification (62nd lvl Calm spell)

Howl of Tashan (61st lvl Magic Resist Debuffer)

Make sure you have gotten atleast a Virtue from someone before entering HoH.

Make sure you have your scaled illusion on for the run speed.

Go down into one of larger rooms in Halls of Honor.
One of the rooms with 6 spawns humans (suits of armor can not be charmed).

Cast Pacifacation in the 2 Mobs near the door.

Then Mez both of them and Debuff them with Howl of Tashan.

Cast Forlorn Deeds on the mob that will be the victom.

Cast Comand of Druzzil on the first Mob you Mezzed so he will be the first one to break mez.

As soon as mez wears off of them both /pet attack the other Mob.

Make sure you keep a good distance from the fight incase Charm breaks (Total Domination 3 is recomended)

Some time during the fight make sure you hit the mob with Insanity to make sure you get all the EXP.

If charm breaks recast Comand of Druzzil if you have enough room if not wait till both mobs get up on you and cast Word of Morell  and quickly recast Comand of Druzzil and send pet back in to the fight.

After that Mob Dies park your pet /pet guard here.

Go around to the next 2 Mobs and cast Pacifacation on them Both and Howl of Tashan one of them have him run after you, and you run past your pet and send your pet on him.

Cast  Forlorn Deeds on the Mob after your pet has gotten agro.

Do the rest of the mobs the same way until the last mob dies by that time you have either changed pets or your pet is almost dead.

Break Charm with invise Root your "Pet" then Nuke him with Insanity until it is dead  (Mob usualy when I do it this way is down to 5 to 10% health)

Med up and start over. Usualy get about 5% AA per kill.
