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My Humble Gothic Library

Book From My Small Library - I love books. I enjoy non-fiction books best of all. Here is a small selection of book from my collection that are relevant to Gothic Architecture and Gargoyles. I will also include a few books that I have used for researching Gargoyles.

OLD PHILADELPHIA IN EARLY PHOTOGRAPHS 1839-1914 - Robert F. Looney ©1976 The Free Library of Philadelphia, PA

This is a very useful picture book of Philadelphia in the olden days. I have used this book to locate old buildings around the city.

NIGHTMARES IN THE SKY - Stephen King and f-stop Fitzgerald ©1988 Viking Penguin, Inc

You haven't experienced gargoyles until you have read what they mean to Stephen King. The gargoyles and grotesques in this book are all found in the United States.

DISCOVERIES: CATHEDRALS AND CASTLES - BUILDING IN THE MIDDLE AGES - Alain Erlande Brandenburg ©1995 Harry N. Abrams, Inc. NY and Thames & Hudson Ltd., London

This little book is from the "Discoveries" series of book. It is small and can almost fit in the back pocket. It is very interesting and has lots of info on Romanesque and Gothic Architecture.

SECRETS OF THE MIDDLE AGES - James Harpur and Elizabeth Hallam (consultant) ©1995 Konecky & Konecky under special agreement with Marshall Editions Developments, Ltd.

This is another book about everyday Medieval life. This is a great book that is very well written and is very interesting. Once you pick it up you may not put it down.

CATHEDRAL - Robin S. Oggins ©1996 MetroBooks (Michael Friedman Publishing Group, Inc.)

This is a wonderful book with great pictures of Cathedrals from around the world. It explains the differences between the different Architecture styles.

THE FLOWERING OF THE MIDDLE AGES - Edited by Joan Evans ©1998 Barnes & Noble Books by arrangement with Thames & Hudson Ltd., London

This is a very thorough that deals with verious aspects of the Middle Ages. There are groundplans and phots of many European cathedrals and churchs.

GOTHIC - ARCHITECTURE, SCULPTURE, PAINTING - Edited by Rolf Toman ©1999 Konemann Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Cologne, Germany

This is a wonderful book about the Gothic movement. It is large, fat, and stuffed full of wonderful information. If you love Gothic architecture then this book is a must.

GOTHIC GARGOYLES - Bill Yenne ©2000 Barnes & Noble Inc. by special arrangement with O.G. Publishing, Inc.

Another great picture book about gargoyles and grotesques. Most of these photos seem to be from France and Belgium. This is worth owning if you love the monster.

ROSSLYN - GARDIAN OF THE SECRETS OF THE HOLY GRAIL - Tim Wallace-Murphy and Marilyn Hopkins ©2000 Brnes & Noble Books by arrangement with Element Books Limited

Another book (like Holy Blood Holy Grail) that examines the history of the Templar Knights. What sets this book off is that it specifically targets seven specific cathedrals and churchs that stretch across Europe from Scotland to Spain. This book is interesting and poses some interesting questions and presents a fascinating answer.

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