
Hordrek Meets Garjug

Valnul Camp(#14153uVXeMp)

The clamor of the camp jolts you from your reverie, as you find yourself in amongst the Valnul tribe's camp. Their tribal insignia, a great red and orange flame is displayed upon many of the tents and shields, and a large bonfire is burning brightly in a clearing in the middle of the camp. You can see throngs of snagas and various warriors wandering the premesis, some eating, some fighting, some training. You can sense many baleful eyes glaring at your back, but as you turn, you can not see who is doing the watching.

[Valnul Camp(#14153)->Garjin] Hordrek just walked into the Valnul camp!

[Hordrek(#27357)] A truly fat orc steps off of a whining warg. The orc bows to the -hais present and leads the warg over to a young looking orc. "Feed him, well. Or you'll end up like this." Hordrek holds up the stump where his right hand used to be. Hordrek laughs at the young orcs discomfort. Hordrek waddles forward looking about for familiar faces, nodding here and there at friends and frowning at enemies. Hordrek waddles toward Garjin in a confident manner and bows, "My Lord, I greet you. I am Hordrek the Master Jailer of the Valnul tribe. These many months I have been on a mission for Lord Urugash the Fat and the Mighty Balrog known as Mordamaz. Since returning to Moria, I have learned of many changes. I regret not being present when you were name Chieftain of the Valnul, now I swear my loyalty and my families loyalty to you." With that the fat orc kneels, and presents with his left hand, a sheathed rusty scimitar.

The Valnul Chieftain turns slowly towards the speaking fat one, the surly attitude eminating even before he speaks. With a scowl that would curdle pig milk, the tall Uruk-Hai simply glares at the new arrival as he commands some snaga to care for the Warg. Once the one handed finishes speaking, the silence lingers, ripe in the air, forcing an uncomfortable pause. When the warrior speaks, his gravelly voice tears through the air between the two, "Who is it that begs my attentions and states his desire to be one of the Valnul. Are there any that will vouch for the fat one? Give me a reason not to just cut off your other hand leaving you unable to feed your fat face?"

Hordrek raises an eyebrow, "Ask any in the Valnul tribe as to who I am. I have come to swear my loyalty to a you as my Chieftain. If my sword does not please you, then perhaps my skills as a torturer can. My name alone sends the Beorning and the Elves of Lothlorien into seizures of fear. If you doubt my loyalty and veracity as to my service to Moria, then I suggest, most humbly, to bring your complaint forward to the Balrog, my Lord.

A sudden dimming of the Chieftain's eyes can be seen as his hatredis distracted by the voices within his head. As enlightenment slowly comes over Garjin, a loud "Grrrr!" can be heard as he tries to get his fury back and force the voice demons out of his head. "The only one I know of that bears the name of Hordrek had two hands and was a sniveling coward only strong enough to fight against a chained prisoner! Now, I see you have only one hand! How can you claim to be this worthless piece of elf-dung?"

Hordrek nods his head in approval toward Garjin, "Wise my Lord, I lost my hand as a consequence of a battle with an eagle...Perhaps this will give you proof as to who I say I am." He drops an ancient dagger on the ground before him. "You my most learned lord would recognize this as the symbol of the Master Jailer. If you have further need of proof. Perhaps there is a snaga I can demonstrate my art upon."

Garjin smiles an evil grin and looks down to the dagger at his feet. He does not move to retrieve it, but only continues his eerie glare into the eyes of Hordrek. "Daggers matter little to me maggot. You will prove to me that you are who you say. You will go and serve under Barak on the next excursion into the woods. He will command you and you will obey. If you return and Barak vouches for you, then you will become a Valnul. If you or Barak do not return, then you will not. If you both return and Barak does not vouch for you, then you will be fed to the snagas for their feeding. No go and do not bother me until you have proven yourself!"

Hordrek nods his head at Garjin, "So be it."
