
Zih's Story

[Zih(#24925)] Close to the chieftains tent, a small uruk is curled up and seems to be sleeping in her sitting position. Her hands are folded around the knees which are drawn up to her chest. The uruk seems to emerge into the shadows, all clad in dark or black outfit.

Zih just looked at you.

Garjin emerges into the camp as noon is neigh. Looking about in the bright sun, Garjin grumbles and looks about with squinted eyes. Seeing his snagas busy, he turns to get some food from the firepit and stumbles over the hunched form of the snaga he found but a few days ago. "Skai! What are you doing outside my tent! No doubt trying to sneak in and kill me? Well, it will not happen. We are nearing the halls of the Beast, and then we will see if your story is true."

Zih jumps to her feet, amazingly fast for an wounded uruk, as Garjin stumbles into her. She blinks few times starting right up into the chieftains face and frowns slightly while listening to him, her hand resting on the side where he hit her few days earlier. She clears her throat, spits to the side and speaks finally, in a low tone. "Great chieftain! Zih never tells lies. You hear me speak the tounge of the Fire and you see me burn where the Fire touched me in dream. You see truth, you dont belive Zih!

Zih consiers her words for a second and then continues. "Great chieftain said he'd protect Zih. Zih rests close to great chieftain so she be protected.

Garjin turns and looks at Zih again with an appraising eye. Looking her up and down and noticing that she has healed up quite quickly for being wounded shortly before. He looks at the meager uruk, "You, what did you do when you were from the mountains? What did you do there? Did you herd pigs, were you a guard, or did you just dig cesspools?"

Zih frowns once again at the chieftains words. She steps one step closer to him, and murmurs, "Zih no slave. Great chieftain can see that if he looks!" She fiddles with the pouches around her waist, takes one of them off and opens it up, offering you to look into it. The pouch is full of crushed greyish looking leafs, badly smelling. "Zih has healing hands. Zih speaks tounges. Zih sees many things. Zih knows many things no uruk and no chieftain knows. Great Chieftain can see if he looks instead of hurt." the small uruk stops abruptly in her speech and closes the pouch again as she steps a little further from Garjin, afraid taht she has said too much.

Garjin looks at the little snaga before him. "You are a healer, eh? I have a need for someone like you. Perhaps I can convince the demon to let me keep you." Garjin pulls a nameless snaga from the masses and points towards Zih for him. "See this one? She is a healer." As the snaga tries to comprehend the reason for the Chieftains proclamation, Garjin takes his mace quickly out from under the folds of his cloak and crashes it into the back of the distracted snaga. It yelps with pain, but fortunately the Chief only wanted to cause a wound, and not slay the poor unfortunate beast. Garjin then pushes the hapless snaga towards Zih. "There Healer. Heal that one of his wound. Then I will believe that your dinner can heal anything." Garjin then sits back and waits for Zih's performance.

Zih yelps out at Garjin, "Zih speak true word!" when he throws the snaga towards her. She glares at the chieftain, her eyes burning hot with rage, even if she does hold her tounge. Quickly she kneels beside the unfortunate snaga, rips off the rags from his upper body and looks at the wound. She picks out one of her pouches, scurries off to fetch some water off the fire, pours some green stuff from the pouch into the water and finally pours the now green liquid over the snaga's wound. The snaga cries in pain as the still very hot water does touch his wound, but bites his lips looking towards Garjin. Zih digs out from another puch a long needle made of bone and black thread of unrecognizable orgin. She stiches the gaping wound with this, big ugly stitches and finishes off by fastening the snaga's rags over the wound. She rises and glares at Garjin. "Snaga will be as good again in 2 nights!" she claims. "Fire will never give you me! Me not a gift!" she finally spits out.

Zih backs away from Garjin once again, hesitating to answer him. She nibbles on her black lip and stares down on her hands, rubbing them togher. Finally she seems to come to an conclution and looks up, the burning eyes only small rifts and there is a stubborn look on her face. "Zih know tounge Chieftain can not speak or understand. Zih not being bold. Zih talk true words. Blessed by fire. Tounge in my mind. Burn on my neck." she bows her head slightly as in respect for the power of the chieftain and continues. "Zih can not help she knows more than chieftain. Oh, great Chieftain! You be warrior. Zih be healer. Shaman!

Zih straightens up once she has spoken the last word and stares boldly into Garjin's face.

Garjin seems to get a slight gleam in his eye as the little one's words. "If you know so much more than me, then teach me the words of the Fire. Tell me some of the words, show me what you know." Garjin commands a nearby snaga to bring two stools. The poor creature drops his bowl filled with food and races off. Garjin then scowls and yells at another to bring him a chair immediately. This one obeys and immediately brings a chair upon which the chief sits, and the snaga then races out of the chief's sight. "Now, tell me of what the Beast speaks."

Zih twiddles her tumbs while she watches the scared snagas and the chieftain, and waits patiently for the scene to unfold and the chair to be brought. Once Garjin sits, she slowly walks closer to him, limpling slightly. Not stopping once in front of him but continuing on her walk she starts to circle the chair that the chieftain sits upon. Finally she comes to an halt in front of him and says, "Zih can not teach chieftain of -what- the Fire speaks. but Zih can teach oh, great chieftain how to understand fire. But, chieftain must promise to protect Zih and not hurt her? Then you will learn much and be the greatest chieftain!

[Zih(#24925)] The small shaman stands directly in front of the chair where Garjin sits upon, now she seems to be closer to his height.

Garjin simply awaits for the little one to finish her charade and then focuses his mind to her so that he might learn some of this both to show his dedication to the great fire beast, and to gain favor with the King and the shamans.

Zih starts to speak in a strange tounge, she slowly says out short sentances, two and three words at the time, and explains them right afterwards in the common tounge. Once she has tought you about 10 new words, she says, "Speak them now, chieftain. And say you will protect Zih and not hurt her!

Garjin looks at the little uruk, seemingly perturbed at needing to foller her requests, but he does as bidden, "<Morbeth> So long as this pitiful creature obeys me and teaches me this tongue, I will protect Zih and not hurt her."

Zih nods and seems satisfied with her first lesson. "Oh, great chieftain! You learn fast! You be greatest chieftain. Fire will like.

[<#24925>] Zih murmurs more to herself, but not too low for the Chieftain to hear. "<Morbeth> * **** **** ***. **** *** ***** ********* *** the ****.

<OOC> Zih says, ""<Morbeth> I obey only one. That not great chieftain but the fire."

Garjin nods at the words of the small one and though not yet understanding the words, only glares at the female with some menace, but no more than his usual. "You will tgeach me the words of the fire while you are with us. When we break next for camp, you will teach me more then." Then Garjin grins, and perhaps I will show you how to swing a real weapon. Something useful." With that, Garjin stands abruptly to his feet and begins to walk out to observe the scouts, muttering over his shoulder, "And stay out from under my feet and away from my tent. You can not be attacked while within the Valnul camp." then Garjin seems to distance himself from you.

Zih backs away from the chieftain, she puts her hand on the dagger as he mentions weapon and grunts, interrupting the Chieftains' speech. "Chieftain will protect Zih, Zih will teach oh, great chieftain. Need no weapon." she turns her back to Garjin and scurries off into the shadows between the tents, and again camps out beside the chieftains tent once he looks away from her, ignoring his 'request'.

Garjin then pays no attention the little one and trundles off to oversee the camp and assure himself that the guards are appropriately attentive. You can hear his booming voice echoing off in the distance as he berates yet another snaga about his duties.
