"If you know yourself and your foe, you can enter a hundred battles and never be in peril. If you know only yourself, but not your foe, you will be in peril in half your battles. If you neither yourself nor your foe, you cannot enter battle without being in peril.
                      - paraphrased from Sun Tzu's, The Art of War

Do your characters end up loaded down with so many weapons and magic items just to deal with every possible situation that they end up looking like the nice chap here? If so, this is the place for you. Enjoy, but remember, it is hard to fight when you can't even walk.

Swiss based Empire army, 2000 points

Standard Defensive Empire Army, 2000 points

Lord Soth's Charge- Themed 3000 point Vampire Counts Army

The Settlers- Themed 2000 point Empire Army

6th Edition

The Brotherhood of the Blade- a 6th edition alternate Empire army

The Order of the Cleansing Flame- Witch Hunter themed Empire army
The 2002 version which went to the Calgary GT is here!

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