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Tracy couldn't shake the feeling that there was something wrong with his body. small tits gallery jpg Soapy-tits. It wasn't just that it wasn't his own, it was more than that. There were subtile differences that he could feel, some like his guess about his height were difficult to explain. Some were less so, like the weight on his chest. small tits gallery jpg Busty dusty pics. The donor had obviously worked out a lot, and had developed his pectoral muscles almost to the point of being grotesque. He had neatly cataloged his body, or at least most of it when he began to notice a warm tickle of liquid flowing down ward between his legs. Concerned that the catheter had sprung a leak, Tracy pushed the buzzer button to summon the nurse. small tits gallery jpg Three tits. A few minutes later, an attractive nurse he'd never seen before came into the room. "I'm Nurse Webster. Is there something wrong, Tracy?" She asked. Tracy wondered briefly why all of the medical staff kept using his first name. He was unaware that they had been given orders to use his first name to prevent a slip. In his current body, he certainly didn't look like a Mister. Tracy explained what he thought had occurred. The nurse rased the sheet and his hospital gown and carefully inspected the area in question. "It's alright. You must be imagining things.

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