
Dwarves are the second oldest race known today.  The Elves, of coures, are the first.  Dwarves average about four feet in height, and tip the scales at about two hundred pounds each.  They are solitary people, and do not easily welcome strangers, but this isn't to be mistaken for hostility.  Once you have gained a dwarf's friendship, that bond will last until either of you is dead.  They are cautious and slow to anger, but once their anger is roused they are terrible fighters.  Dwarves love precious gems and metals of all sorts, crafting them, they are great worksmiths.  They make precious and elaborate suits of mail, craft gleaming axes with blades of true silver.  These items seldom leave their underground home in the Shadow Mountains.  Dwarves can see in pitch blackness due to their constant work underground, and their stubborn nature and strong willpower give them a good resistence to mind magicks.  Overall the majority of them scorn magic, but there are a few mages among them.  Mostly they are a simple people who work hard and have great faith in their gods and their way of life.



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