
In a land like Aros, wrought with evil and the balance of power coruppted, many of the past gods and goddesses have faded away. But the few, real powerful ones remain with their temples that the new dictator was to afraid to destroy. But they leave the land alone, indifferent to the going ons of what happens to mere mortals. Or some noble ones that are few and far between simply can do nothing directly, but guide the Chosen that the four fates have proclaimed.



The twin Moons

At the beginning, for there is always a beginning, there was the Darkness and the Light, woven together in the arms of the Universe.  And then they separated into Selestra and Ahron.
Ahron shone his light upon Selestra and drew from her their children.

From the forests of the Great Mother sprang the Elves, the first of her many children.  Some of these she gave to the Ocean, Thalassa to raise.  Some she gave Kylor of the Mountains to keep safe.  Others she took and placed them high, closest to her father the Sun Ahron to be blessed by his radiance.

Then the Great Mother bore children of Kylor the Mountain, and they called them Dwarves.  Then she fell in passionate love with Dontae, God of the Volcanoes, and bore him strong children known as Dragons.  And then the Great Mother was caught by the love of her brother the Moon and she gave him children called Unicorns.

Andras, God of the Wind, greatly admired both the Unicorns and the horse-like form the Great Mother had assumed.  He used trickery to distract Cyrilus from his wife and caught her up into his great wings and she begat for him the Pegasus.  The Moon demanded a kind of repayment, so the Great Mother bore for him the Fairies upon which Andras blessed with wings and such powers.  But a few he stole for himself and called them Sprites, gifting them with invisible wings, like himself the Wind, which he much preferred.

The Ocean grew bored with her Elves and played with Oz God of the Fishes.  From them came the Mermaids.  They were much pleased with their children and gave them presents of a half horse half fish.  Some of the Elves grew jealous and threw themselves into the waters for attention.  The Ocean and Oz fought over what to do with them.  They were both cursed and gifted with lovely voices, set apart from the other Elves.  These became the Sirens.  The Ocean then returned her attention to the Elves, blessing them with her marks of blue skin and white hair so that they might be beautiful as her, and forget the Mermaids and the Sirens.

When the Dwarves and the Elves of Kylor the Mountian began fighting, he was much displeased.  He demanded of the Great Mother for new children who would be better behaved.  From these demands came the Ogres.  When he was not happy with their low intelligence, the Great Mother gave him Trolls, just a little smarter.  Kylor was furious and demanded a third time.  Angered by his demands the Great Mother gave him Goblins, horrid little monsters with frightening intelligence. 
The Mountain stopped complaining.

Andras the Wind was much intrigued by the Goblins and stole a few for himself.  Yet he could not do much but give them shrieking voices for they had been so badly cursed by the Great Mother.  He abandoned them, the Banshees.

The twin Moons Chandra and Celina, younger sisters of the Great Mother and Cyrilus, were quite upset with all these happenings.  Although they had both promised themselves to be forever pure, they desired children of their own.  They played with many ideas, creating Fauns and Centaurs on accident before discovering Gryphons.  The beasts were delightful to them, but they wanted something more like a Fairy.  The result of their creation was the Harpies.  Advised by their family they stopped trying.

Sylvania the Forest Goddess was then jealous that she only had the Forest Elves to care for.  Very carefully she created nice little creatures known as Gnomes and Hobbits.

                     Selestra (Void)-------|-------Ahron (Sun)
                                                  |           High Elves                                            
    |                |
Great Mother  |    Cyrilus      |          /|\    Chandra   Celina        |
|                  |                      |          |          |           /                \   /                |
Andras          Dontae              Kylor       |      Sylvania  /                   \/          Thalassa
(wind)            (Volcano)           (mountain)    |       (forest)   /                       |                  |  \   Oz
     |                    |                      |            |           |    /                         |                  |    \ /
     |                    |              
Dark Elves <---|-------Elves/------------------------------>Sea Elves  |
Pegasus            Dragons               Dwarves       Unicorns      |                                 Fauns              |      Mermaids
  Sprites<------------------------------|-------Fairies           |                                 Centaurs         Sirens 
                                                   Ogres                                |                                Gryphons
                                                    Trolls                               Hobbits                      Harpies
Banshees<-----------------------Goblins                           Gnomes