
Herds of unicorns once roamed the Forest of Confusion, but now sightings of these magical beasts are few and far between. Unicorns have been severely hunted for the magical properties of many of their parts, such as horns, hooves, bone, and hair.

Many unicorns, whether solitary or in herds, have moved on to other lands seeking protection.  Several have been seen in the past generation wandering the Weeping Forest, under the protection of the Fairies that live there.

Some unicorns have even traveled north into the Mountains of Confusion and the Frozen Forest, seeking protection from their mystical counterparts, the Pegasus, who warmly welcome them into their herds and hide them.

While white unicorns are the most famous, they are actually the hardest to come by now due to the high demand for them.  Unicorns, like pagasus, come in as many colors and variations as horses.

Many legends and stories are told about unicorns. What is quite true is that they are wild creatures, very hard to observe, but most of the descriptions are similar.  A beast, slightly smaller than an average horse, with long legs for great agility, hooves divided in half similar to a goat's, long flowing manes and tails - this tail sometimes appearing as a regular horse's or like that of a lion, and crowned with a spiral horn.  Like any wild creature, they believe every living being has the right to live free and refuse to be captured.

And as with any story, there are countless variations.  They attribute magical powers like immortality, invisibility, and the ability to teleport, probably because they can disappear so quickly into their woodland homes upon first sight.  It is told they are pure spirits who can only be captured by the lure of innocence and beauty.  It is said the powder from their horns can grant immortality, resistance to poison, and even resurrect the dead.  Unicorns are usually regarded as lonely creatures, although some stories talk about herds of unicorns.  Yet these great herds are certainly no more, for the unicorn is nearly gone from the land

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