Garnet Burke's R/C Models




CDN RC Forum





I was fortunate to win the Midwest Citabria kit at the Asessippi 2001 Fly In sponsored by Manitoba Zone.

A few weeks later I spotted the real one on the ramp!

garnetkit.jpg (38307 bytes) 1_citabria.jpg (65522 bytes)


Feb. 10, 2002

Construction has come along, almost done

cit fuse bones.jpg (52253 bytes) cit fuse bones2.jpg (50466 bytes) ciatria fuselage.jpg (57230 bytes) tail fin.jpg (41573 bytes) cit wing stars.jpg (39075 bytes) citabria wing.jpg (56187 bytes) citabria rear.jpg (58519 bytes)

April 4, 2002 - completed!

040402model nose.jpg (54494 bytes) 040402full size nose.jpg (36779 bytes)  040402model rear.jpg (41135 bytes)   040402full sizerear.jpg (42972 bytes)  

040402citbottom.jpg (38084 bytes) 040402citfront.jpg (34803 bytes) 040402citleft.jpg (40406 bytes) 040402citleftnose.jpg (54494 bytes) 040402citlefttail.jpg (30371 bytes) 


Website construction by Ken. Email with questions or comments or broken links on or about this web site.
Copyright © 2002 kkalynuk
Last modified: April 08, 2002