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Poojyapada Baba Shri Buddhanath Das
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Garoi-Geographical location
Garoi- Satellite Image

Garoi-Geographical location

Garoi is situated in the "Jagatsinghpur" district of Orissa, which is a state in the eastern part of "India". The Geographical Coordinates in Degree, Minute, and Second of the nearest relatively-known village - Māchhagān, which is about 9 km from the village of Garoi are:

Latitude: 20° 05' 00" N, Longitude: 86° 17' 00" E,  Average Elevation : 3 m

The following diagrams show the location of country, state, district, and exact location of this relatively less known village.

The following image shows location of the state of Orissa, within India:

Location of the state of Orissa, within India.

The following image shows the location of the district of Jagatsinghpur, within Orissa:

Location of the district of Jagatsinghpur, within Orissa.

The following image shows the location of "Māchhagan" within the district of Jagatsinghpur. The village "Garoi" is about 10 kms (land-route distance) from "Māchhagan" and is at the confluence of the rivers:

Location of Māchhagan within the district of Jagatsinghpur; Garoi is near to Māchhagan.