The Little Girl Who Loved Everyone
And Lost Her Way


11:52 am
ok so i love to be loved.Right? i dont what piss me off more the fact that i want to call him or that he knows i want to call him. It drives me crazy That he doest care. Or all the gross shit i put up w/. the stuff he thougtwas cute.
1:41 pm
I've figured out y u think u love me because no one before me has ever cared about you so you think i'm something great. The meaningful relationship you wanted Wont happened because u'll never change.none of m sayingwill matter because u got what u wanted & u've got ur friends by side. Right?
2:05 pm
Listen courtney, for you to sit there and ponder what i feel for you and then come up with the conclusion that its not genuine just shows how truly jaded you are.
You cant get over the past and thats putting a lock on your heart, you'll never fully trust me with it and that just makes you a coward
So i dont know if u realize or not u did use me.Well maybe not me but the love and passion that i did have for u.
If im the coward then what does that make you? Cause i made the first move 2 month and no progress

**All items above are directly from the text messages that Chris received from Courtney so all spelling and grammar errors are exactly part of the conversation tht occured.