Jack's Page
Cartoon Network
Hello, I'm Jack and I'm 4. As you can see I like Buzz Lightyear, this is me on my birthday wearing my special present off my friend Helen Casstles (and Richard & Rachel). Unfortunately my birthday is just before Christmas (hence the tree) which means by the time everyone has remembered it's my birthday I've been getting presents for a week, before Santa's even arrived! This is nice while it lasts, but can be very confusing because I think its my birthday for at least a fortnight and then its a very long time until I get more presents.
As you can see I also fancy myself as a Woody type of guy. I really enjoy watching Toy Story and Toy Story 2 on Video, I have all the characters to play with at home and last year I went to see Toy Story on Ice in Manchester, it was brilliant, a definite must for any Toy Story fans (even if it cost my mum and dad lots of money to get me the toys they had there). This picture was taken in a photo booth by my sister Helen (one of the nicer things she's done for me). My mum thinks this is a great photo of me because she says I'm a real rascal!
This is me early on Christmas morning playing on my present from Father Christmas, it was just what he promised me, (much to my mum's horror) when I met him the week before Christmas. I must have been really good to get an Action Man motorbike.

Dad was also playing with his new Christmas present from Mrs Santa (digital camera) and Tigger (my little cat) just wanted to get in the photograph.