None of them were mousketeers, they dont dance down the halls of their high school half-naked, and they're not about to buy into the american dream of record sales thrugh plastic surgery. "im not up there singing, 'Hit me baby,  one more time!' We're lot more than that," states vocals Morgan. Instead, the Canadian teen quartet presents its music with the same brutal truth that clouds their reality. Sonically, it's harsh. But so is the world thay live in, and Kittie don't see a need for sugarcoating."If people are expecting The Spice Girls,they're not going to get it...People need to get used to everyday occurences, that way they don't go and kill themselves or other people over things like losing a boyfriend or a girlfriend,"adds drummer Mercedes, Morgan's sister, a half of the band's bludgeonig bottom end with bassist talena. Accompanying Morgan on guitar is Fallon, And tough the four girls are still in high school they have better grasp on their environment than most adults.