Bellos Family Home Page
God Bless America
God Bless America
Thanks for stopping by our place on the World Wide Web.  Karen and I have 5 birds, 5 cats, and 1 horse.  We moved from Glenview, Illinois to Florence, South Carolina in 1997.  We love the South.  We do not have to endure the unpredictable and bad Chicago area weather.  The pace is much slower here, and the people are very friendly.  We are enjoying life more.  E-mail us at the address below and let us know how you liked our page.  
Our Interests
Karens interests are Gardening, scrapbooking, horseback riding, and working with senior citizens at various sites around Florence, as well as taking care of all the pets and Gary.

Gary's interests are reading, computers, digital photography, lighting, horseback riding, and cooking with Karen.

We love to travel around the country when we get the chance.  Our favorite places are Charleston South Carolina, Washington DC, and Scottsdale Arizona.

About Karen and Gary
For rexalation you will find Karen in the kitchen or the garden.  She is a great baker.  Karen loves trying new reciepes on Gary and their friends.  She has been urged to open her own bakery by her friends.  Her baking skills are that good.  When it comes to gardening, she is tops.  Since we moved to South Carolina, Karen has redesigned the front yard to accommodate many different varieties of southern plants and flowers.  People sometimes stop their cars to admire the yard when the flowers are blooming.

Karen operates her own business.  She has been a electrologist for the last 36 years.  Karen is also the President of the Garden Council of Florence.

Gary has been in the energy efficient lighting business for approximately 20 years.

At the barn when Gary is not riding, you can usually find him reading while Sunny is grazing at his side or talking with his friends.   When at home you will find Gary relaxing in front of the computer, reading a book, or watching the History Channel or a World War II movie on television.

We love to go to the movies.  We try to see as many good movies as time allows.  Believe it or not Florence has 2 theatres with a total of 14 screens.
Some of our favorite places to visit on the web
Florence Horse Center
Copy Kat Creations
Manny's Deli
Empress Suki's Web Page
A Tribute To Velvet
Our Family
Emperor Ming
Baby Starshine
Empress Suki
Loverboy our 3 legged cat
Merry at the height of kitty fashion
Waldo giving the evil eye
Velvet at her 28th birthday party June 8, 2004
Our beloved Velvet passed      away on December 31, 2004

        We will miss her

Please Check out Karen's tribute to Velvet.
State Line Sun Kissed

Karen and I call him Sunny.  Wednesday February 16, 2005 we brought him home.  Sunny was 5 years old in May.  He is a Palomino Morgan.  Sunny is very inquisitive, smart, and friendly.  We will have many years to enjoy him as we did with Velvet.
Sunny's Birthday May 8, 2005
Sunny's 6th Birthday May 5, 2007
Our house on July 4, 2007
Thank-you for stopping by, please come again soon
E-Mail us at by pushing the horse button below
Copywrite 2000 - 2007 By Gary S. Bellos
all rights reserved
No part of this page may be reproduced      
without the prior written permission of
Gary S. Bellos