A Tribute To Old Time Country Music

Established 1998 (As Gary Sez)

Esco Hankins
1924 - 1990

22 Songs By The Legendary Esco Hankins

Left Click On Song To Play

A Daddy's Lullabye

All the World is Lonely Now

Rising Sun

Waiting for My Call to Glory

An Angel Smiles When MOTHER Smiles at Me

Lonely Mound of Clay

Fireball Mail

I'm Building a Home

Glory Bound train

Branded Wherever I Go

I'm Praying for the Day When Peace Will Come

Wreck on the Highway

Low and Lonely

No One Will Ever Know

Please Forgive Me

Streamlined Canonball

Sweeter Than the Flowers

World of Sorrow

Things That Might Have Been

Wait for the Light to Shine

Pecious Jewel

What Good Will it Do

From The Guestbook & E-mail

Gary, I was real pleased to find this about Esco. I used to go the Wheeling Jambroee with him and Jackie. At the time I lived in Nicholasville, Ky. and he had a country music broadcast on the local radio station. Can't tell you how much I appricate this.

Pastor Darrell I. Howard.
Salyersville, Ky.

Found your website today. My mother played in Esco Hankin's band in the 40's. Josh Graves was also a member at the time. My mother is from Tennessee and I love to hear her stories about her time in the band. Her name was Elizabeth Miles. She left the band in 1951 to marry my dad.

Sonja Davis
Lexington, Kentucky

Home To Gary's County

Jimmie Osborne Tribute / Asher & Jimmie Sizemore /
Bus 27 / Links / Legends / Country Trivia / Silly Song Titles /

Please note: I realize no profit from the music on this page. All songs are from my personal collection, and are intended to educate, and are for private in home use only.

Esco Hankins page created by Gary Using Geocitie's advanced HTML editor and Microsoft notepad. I bet you really wanted to know that!
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