For my personal page,
with pictures and such, see:
Personal Page

For my page on ancient
Mesopotamia and a comparitive
study of the Bible and myth see:
Mesopotamian Page

For my page on Thingmakers
and Creepy Crawlers see:
Thingmaker Page

For my page on Silver and
Bronze Age Marvel comics see:
Marvel Comics Page

For my page on ancient
coins see:
Coin Page

To see a list of changes
to this site see:
Changes Page

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Welcome to my home site.
There is a photo section if you want to see pictures of the family.
There is a Mesopotamian page about the ancient Near East. It has a political history of Mesopotamia, from pre-historic times to the Persian conquest. The page also compares ancient myths with the Bible to see if the Hebrews borrowed from their neighbors or if Genesis was original.
There are also a few hobby pages describing the various interests of mine. These include Mattel Thingmakers, one of the coolest toys ever made, as well as ancient coins and pre-1980 Marvel comics.

Justine playing soccer 2002

Last modified 10/30/2008
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My cousin's great web site My cousin's site & book on prophecy

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