Garza Gazette


March – May, 2009

Grace to you, dear friends and family from down south in the City of Zacatecas. We have actually completed 11 years as full-time missionaries in Central Mexico and consider it an honor to be able to do what God has called us to do. We thank all of you who stand with us in your prayers and financial support and make this possible. You are a blessing! Salvations, healings and water baptisms continue to take place. We thank God and give Him all the Glory and Honor. A few examples of what has transpired since our last update are set forth below.

Zacatecas, Zacatecas

April 19th, we water baptized 8 new believers, Francisco Javier, Francisco Ubaldo, Maria de la Luz, Francisco Jr, Absalon, Omar Noel, Isadora and Maria Guadalupe. One of them in particular, Omar has a story that goes back to when we did our first outreach December, 2002 at Colonia CTM. Our Zacatecas church plant team had been meeting together for about a year and we had a drama youth group that we had been equipping for ministry for 3 years. When we met Omar, he informed us that there were poor families living in black cardboard houses in the outskirts of the city. We told him to show us where these areas were and we would see what we could. Long story short, we did a Christmas Smiles program, our youth performed drama skits, served tamales, gave away small toys to the children and we shared the message of hope and salvation that is only found in Jesus Christ. Many adults came forward for salvation and a group prayer was done. This was followed by individuals praying for those that were sick. Omar was among those laying hands on people that needed to be healed. Only the Lord knows if Omar accepted the Lord that day or if he did it later over the years. Omar is in this for the long haul. God truly is the one who begins the good work in us and He will continue to perfect it until the day of Jesus Christ. Phil. 1:6

Juan, Miguel and Enrique praying over Omar after Omar was water baptized.

Mother’s Day and Student Day

May 10th, the moms in our congregation were given special recognition, honor & prayer. We had 3 ladies and one man receive Jesus Christ as Lord during the ministry time. They are Estela, Lorena from Colonia CTM, Giovanna from La Zacatecana and Saul from Colonia el Centro in Zacatecas. Paulina Ojeda, above does a home group at La Zacatecana every Tuesday with about 20 ladies in attendance. Giovanna Duenes Jaramillo is one of those ladies that attends the home group.

Giovanna receiving a hug from Paulina after she prayed to receive the Lord.

University Students

We blessed the Jr. High, the High School and the University students in our congregation with new soccer balls that were donated by Primera Iglesia Bautista in Beeville, TX. They were all smiles and send a big thank you. May 31st, University of Zacatecas law student, Sergio Gonzalez Hernandez from Ojocaliente prayed to receive the Lord. I invited new believer, Francisco Ubaldo to join me so that he could experience 1st hand the Lord touching and ministering His saving grace to an individual. As we began to pray, Sergio began to sob and the tears kept flowing as God manifested His love and forgiveness to him. Sergio is one of the many students that use our free internet service that we provide at the church internet café during the week. Praise God for the souls that are coming into the Kingdom thru this ministry.

As Gerardo passes out the soccer balls, Juan tells the girl students that if you don’t play soccer you can give the ball to your boyfriend, Zayra thought that was hilarious.

Lomas de Bracho

Gabino and Miguel Angel are both doing well. They were the two brothers that had been seriously injured in a vehicle accident on February 19, 2009. Gabino tells us that he is very grateful to God for giving him a 2nd chance. Miguel Angel has moved to the city of Durango. The Lord raised Miguel Angel from a coma after I went by the hospital and prayed for him to be healed. Every Friday at 2:30 pm, Alfredo and Maria de Jesus go to Bracho to do a children’s Bible club and children’s feeding.

Land at CTM Update

We are very close to getting the land for our outreach center at Colonia CTM. Juan is meeting with the owners to work out the details. It has been a serious spiritual battle and has taken longer than what we expected. Please join us in prayer that the Lord will lead us in making the right choice. This particular piece of property will be one block from the main paved road entry way into the Colonia CTM. Currently in CTM we hold children’s Bible clubs every Saturday am and children’s feedings every other Saturday.

In His Service,

Juan and Debbie

Below is a link to a list of non-monetary items needed for the ministry.

Items Needed

Bring a mission team to minister along side us!!

Email for a brochure and information packet!


Visit our website:

Mexico phone#: 011-52-492-899-4867

Vonage phone # 1-210-745-1087

Current snail mail address:

Apartado Postal 3-74

Zacatecas, Zacatecas 98064


For tax deduction make support checks payable to:
WOL-Garza MX Missions
P.O. BOX 4246



Note: Do you feel a call to missions? We are accepting applications for interns.

This page maintained by Becky Campbell. Comments welcome.
Last revised 9 Julu 2009