My favorite place to go is the Boracay!!! Even though the sands are not white anymore because only the top part of the beach have white sands. If you dig up the sands, you'll get to see that the sands becames blacker and blacker as you go deeper. The place there is very fun! At night, 12'o clock, there are many music you can hear. And we got there at midnight of December 25 so we don't had an easy time finding a driver of a boat from Caticlan to Boracay Island. We all played a lot there with my cousin. We threw sands to each other and that was a bit painful too. There are also dogs which are trained to get trash at the shore. Sometimes they bark at people and the dogs did bark at us, so we fought with the dog using sands. The dog was a couward, it just hit the dog with few shots and it ran away. We stayed there for about a week (6 days). We enjoyed it!^_^ BACK TO HOME