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Last update: January 16, 2004



You must experience Gaspé at least once in your lifetime. To see a magnificent whale breach the ocean's surface or see the sunrise on the ocean and set on the mountaintops, to smell the fresh salt air or wildflowers. To walk on a beach and feel the warm sand and cool sea water on your feet. To taste seafood fresh from the ocean! To hear the ocean's waves washing over the beaches and shores or to hear a seagull making its now familiar calls. This is to have truly realized your senses!

This site is mainly dedicated to generating interest in the Gaspé Region. Gaspé is located in Eastern Canada on the tip of the Gaspé Peninsula. The Town of Gaspé covers 975 km², with 92 km of coastline exposed to the Gulf of St. Lawrence.

The population of Gaspé is approximately 17,500. In earlier times the majority of Gaspesians were English-speaking, today 85% of its population is now French speaking. Visitors to the region will notice the warm welcome of Gaspesians, whether English or French speaking, is proverbial.

Hello, my name is Michael LeBoutillier. I was born in Gaspé in 1959 and moved to Montréal with my family, in 1970. While residing in Montréal, I never considered moving back to Gaspé, although I visited at least once each summer and loved every minute of it! After spending 26 years in Montréal, an opportunity arose for me to move back to my hometown, Gaspé. Of course, I could not pass it up! I moved back in June 1996 and recently made Gaspé a more permanent home by purchasing a house near beautiful Haldimand Beach.

Gaspé possesses one of the most beautiful coastlines on earth. To learn more about Gaspé and the region, please visit my Tourism Page and my Gaspé Links Page .

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Page created and maintained by Michael LeBoutillier.
Published February 20, 1999.

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