Welcome to...


Hello and welcome to my BSB collection. I have spent almost 7 years and almost $35,000 to make such a massive collection. Most people ask me what I have and then laugh at me. Saying "What? They dont have that many CD's." Or "Whatever those guys were never in the BSB." So I am making this page to show everyone just how much GREAT stuff there is out there. I want to also say I'm sprry for not updateing in forever, but I have not had much time.

I am no longer backstreetfans.com :(

Its sad, but recently I have lost my jobs and have not been abile to find a new one. With a lack of money I couldnt keep paying for the domain name. Now someone else has it... oh well.

<-------Check out the new menu system


Well everyone I finaly meet one of the backstreet boys and it went so much better then I could have ever dreamed. :)
  • This is my story on meeting Kevin!

  • Do to the huge amount of emails I have gotten lately I have decided to post a this.

    People please stop emailing me asking if I will sell you parts of my collection. I dont want to be rude but I am NOT going to part with ANY of my stuff. I do find it a little annoying when I check my mail in the morning and I have 10 emails from people begging me to sell them my stuff. Please stop! as anyone who dosnt will be banned from my email. Also do not send me any forwords or junk mail. And plese dont send me letters like "Oh I'm so sad, someone said the bsb are breaking up. is that true?" I dont want to be mean or rude, but its really annoying.

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