Gary Oak
Gary Oak is a smart Pokemon trainer. He thinks ahead (been thinking ahead since the begining), knows about the strengths and weaknesses of the different types of pokemon ("Showdown at the Poke Corral"), knows about Pokemon levels (as in "The Battle of the Badge" when he sent out Arcanine against Kingler), and defeated Ash in their first battle against each other. He's also collected over 200 Pokemon, so he can pick and choose to make a well balanced, good team. Gary has changed his ways and has become a very respectable trainer. I hope Gary becomes a Pokemon Master. By the way he trained his Eevee, perhaps he already is. It evolved in to a Umbreon through friendly evolution, so Gary definitely is close to his Pokemon. He spends lots of time training his Pokemon and rotates his Pokemon a lot too. Gary was really nice to Ash clapping for Ash when the writers had Ash barely win the "Extreme Pokemon" race, and letting Ash have the honor of carrying the torch in "A Claim to Flame." Even Misty was impressed in "The Ties that Bind" and Ash in "A Claim to Flame" finally called Gary his friend.
Gary had respected Ash because after winning the Orange League and getting as far as he did in the Indigo Plateou, Gary thought Ash had become a good trainer. After Ash almost got disqualified from the Silver Conference, Gary thought he might be wrong about Ash being a good trainer, so he started acting a little like before and felt that his tie was still a loss after all. Then when Gary battled Ash, he saw Ash's strategy and how powerful Ash's Charizard was, determining that Ash was a good trainer after all. Since he felt Ash won 'fair and square' he felt his tie wasn't a loss after all. Now he doesn't feel he had any losses.
He'll never know how better a trainer he is than Ash though, trying harder and training his own Pokemon rather than letting his Pokemon train themself. His Blastoise was really well trained and Gary had a plan of how to battle with his Blastoise before any match began. Gary is definitely a great trainer. He plans a head, knows about Pokemon types, has well trained numerous kinds Pokemon and is a good person on top of it all. He was happy after his second match against Ash and will be cheering Ash on throughout the rest of the Silver Conference. Now that's something to admire.

Gary:"That was good work Eevee. They're a tough team."
His former cheerleaders might add,"Gary is the best. He's better than the rest. He's the best from east to west. Gary is the best!" Yeah!

I liked Gary better than Ash before, but now I like him 40 times more.
You can vote for Gary on my main page, not my main Pokemon page.
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