Welcome to my Personal Website!
About Me!
Hobbies and Interests!
I have lots of hobbies and interests. My main hobbies and interests are going out somewhere and having good craic (fun) and Cartography (map-making). I love learning and reading about Cartography. It has always been my main interest from no age. I have other hobbies and interests. I like going onto the computer and learning about the internet. I also like learning about our history especially ancient history. I also like drawing especially of houses and buildings. I also like listening to music especially cool urban and r&b music. I could go on forever but those above would be my main hobbies and interests.
This is a picture of my cousins dog, Lucy!
What I don't like!
Well there are plenty of things I don't like. I don't like wasps because they attack you. I don't like files and blue bottles because they are very dirty and very annoying. I don't like mice or rats because I have had nightmares with them - honestly. What else!. Oh and I don't like being felt unconfortable and unhappy. I don't like be slagged (either does anyone!). I don't like making others feel unconfortable and unhappy. Thats it really. I can't think of anything else I don't like.
Hello, my name is Gavin. I am 16 years old and I come from the city of Belfast in Northern Ireland. I have ginger hair and I have blue eyes. I am about 5ft8 in height. I am keeping my weight a secret!!. Thats for me to know and for you to find out - lol.

I am a good person when I want to. I like being helpful and useful to other people. I like having a good laugh and good craic (fun). I am a person who likes a good bit of fun now and again but then I like a good rest and be lazy. I like being kept busy and active. I like being on my feet alot. I like working hard because it helps my self-esteem. I also like getting lots of money in my pocket (sure don't we all, he he!). But I like to help the poor and homeless now and again because you would feel sorry for them!
Here are some of my favourite weblinks!
Have a look at my other websites!
Last updated on November 18th 2004