Gawp's JetSetWilly page
Last updated : 4th September 2004
Visitors since March 2000
The Jet Set Willy & related stuff has grown too big for this site, so we've moved to a new host site: hosted by Emulators Unlimited who couldn't wait to get their collective hands on my Willy. Oh the puns are endless...

At Jet Set Willy Remakes, you can find out about all the old, new and upcoming Miner-Willy-type-games, and a bit about those who create them. All the stuff that was here is now there - and then some !

The new address for
Gawp's JetSetWilly page is at

JSW page has also be moved with me, to

Also, you'll find the new
JSW Remakes Discussions page at
Take a look at the
Yahoo ManicMiner & JSW Group
for more details and screenshots of my games,
and many other JSW and Manic Miner remakes!

Also, see Dr Andrew Broad's comprehensive
Sinclair ZX Spectrum Site
for lists of JSW & Manic Miner games,
loads more info and technical data
My JSW Games :
Willy Comes Home
Voyager (part 1)
Voyager (part 2)
Ants Invasion
Adban De Corcy wrote on 3/21/2000
Nice work, Gawp!"
"I have just downloaded and played around your new game - Willy comes Home! It's a nice piece of work, even if it's sheer size makes it still a bit difficult to finish. I love the new sprites, specially Willy's hairstyle"
Adban's JSW Games :
Willy's Afterlife
A Bulgarian Reguiem
You can view and download all these games at JSW Remakes :
To play these games you will need a 128k Spectrum or emulator.
To Download 'Willy Comes Home.tap' go here
Download 'zx32' emulator for Win95 by V. Kapartzianis from here. This supports 128k games.
JetSet links
Jet Set Willy Remakes
John Elliot's JSW128 pages
Yahoo ManicMiner & JSW club
Andrew Broad's JSW pages
Other links
Gawp Music index
"Jet Set Willy isn't a matter of life and death. It's much more important than that."
- Frank Shankly
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