The Mystery Maid

Grabs tail of giant bird - Splash page

Pilots Invisible Plane - Splash page

Baggage on board

Discovers a stowaway

Hugs stowaway

Pilots Invisible Plane full of Holliday Girls

Looking for Queen Eve

Hears about missing queen

Promises to find queen; gets organized

"The Seal Man's land is as dark their evil hearts!"

Queen surrenders to Seal Men

Queen is bound

"Your dominance has made you a fiend!"

WW hears Etta scream - HELP!

Streaks to the rescue

Fights with giant bird 1

Fights with giant bird 2

Fights with giant bird 3

Fights with giant bird 4

Instructs Holliday Girls

Lassoes bad guys

Holliday Girls vs. Seal Men - "Get your man, girls!"

Fearlessly crashes through thick ice steel door ...

... into acid-flooded chamber

Swinging on stalactites over deadly acid 1

Hangs upside-down, lassoes queen

Swinging on stalactites over deadly acid 2

A happy ending - sort of

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