Villainy Incorporated Diversifies

Dazed by "High Priestess" Zara's Ordeal of Crimson Flame and the Blue Hypnotic Ray of "Flame God" Hypnota, WONDER WOMAN kneels before the weird flame altar, her Amazon strength of mind and body lost by Aphrodite's Law because men welded chains between her bracelets.

Chained, helpless 1

Holliday girls held hostage

Chained, helpless 2

Ordered to commit murder - "To bind my new slave WONDER WOMAN forever to my service, I shall compel her to slay with the Flaming Sword a disciple who has disobeyed me."

Chained, helpless 3

Bursts bonds underwater - Splash page (sorry, out of order)

Chained, helpless, zapped by Flame God

Ordered to execute Clarice

Chained, helpless 4

"Never before have I killed a human being--"

"Obey, Flame Slave...!"

Stumbles over her ankle chains - Nice boots.

Falls down

Cut loose by Etta - SWOOSH!

Her strength restored, WW breaks her chains - SNAP! SNAP!

Attacks villains with flaming swords - Okay, try not to kill any human beings with those...

Lassoes villainesses

Teaches Clarice the error of her ways 1

Teaches Clarice the error of her ways 2

Half the Amazon jewels recovered

Meanwhile, Steve Trevor gets the drop on Queen Clea - "You miserable MANLING--"

But Giganta gets the drop on Trevor - BANG! WHAM! UG-GULP!

Giganta and Queen Clea threaten Steve with torture - They want to buy a submarine with their half of the jewels, you see.

Giganta and Queen Clea confer

Giganta and Queen Clea rope and gag Steve

Meanwhile, back at the office, Di takes a phone call from Professor Zool for WW

WW shows up at Professor Zool's - You're walking into a trap!

More - Catfight with Giganta

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