Gina's Website: Updated May Day, 2007  Thanks for visiting & leave me a note!
Top: our mountain bike on the 401 trail in Crested Butte.   Next: me in the Tri for the Cure. Thanks for your support Ben!!   Next: The book club girls and I hiked 4-14er's August 12!!   Next: Christine and I did the Danskin triathlon this year too!    Next: We got married April 1 in Xpu Ha, Mexico. The whole time with friends and family was soo much fun.I think we all enjoyed the beach, margaritas and sunshine!
What's New?
I got a new-to-me road bike so I can kick my girlfriends' arses in our mini-triathlons this summer.

Ben and I mountain biked and swam this weekend. We also weeded the yard, washed Sonja  and cleaned some of the garage... whoopee.

Our receptions in Denver and St. Louis were a lot of fun. Margaritas and cervezas were flowin'. It was good to see so many friends and family that mean so much to us! Thanks for making the effort!

We ran the Bolder Boulder 10k (Gina: 1:04 & Ben: 56:xx) this year. No training and pretty consistent. Of course we knew that Ben would run a sub 60. He's a natural! Next year we're all out to beat our personal bests.

Other 2006 plans:  Yellowstone N.P. and Tokyo & Thailand in December to see Antony & Jeab. Of course I'm also planning on the annual girls backpacking trip, 14er,  triathlons/races and Jasper weekend. 

Kentucky in July 2007 for the Puckett family reunion. Looking forward to pontooning and catching up on all the craziness that is the Pucketts.
Nieces & Nephews!
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