Rules for the conduct of

Agility Trials


(Effective from 1st January 2001)


Approved by the Australian National Kennel Council 1987







All notes made in this style of box are not included in this version of the ANKC rule book.

These are amendments only and may not be the exact ANKC wording.







Canine Control


Contact Area

Exclusion Zone

Penalty Faults

Standard Course Time (SCT)

Starting/Finishing ‘Gates’

Wrong Course







Measuring Dogs

Bitches In Oestrum

Entry Number


Judging Chart

Timing Device






Triple Jump

Spread Hurdle

Broad Jump


Collapsible Tunnel

Dog Walk



Weaving Poles


Flexible Tunnel

































NOVICE AGILITY CLASS (10 to 12 Obstacles)

OPEN AGILITY CLASS (14 to 16 Obstacles)

MASTER AGILITY CLASS (18 to 22 Obstacles)

NOVICE JUMPING CLASS (14 to 16 Obstacles)

OPEN JUMPING CLASS (16 to 18 Obstacles)

MASTER JUMPING CLASS (18 to 20 Obstacles)





Agility is a dog competition open to all dogs.


The aim of this competition is for a handler to direct his dog around a course of different obstacles to assess and enhance their intelligence and ability. It is an educational and sporting activity intended to improve the dog’s integration into society. The sport requires a good rapport between dog and Handler which results in perfect teamwork. Whilst speed of the dog is to be desired, steadiness of work is essential to a faultless performance of the course.


The overall objectives of Agility Trials are:


Interpretation of these rules should not be necessary, however should there be a need for individuals to seek clarification, application must be made by the Canine Control to the appropriate committee of the ANKC, whose decision shall be binding.

Any person making an entry in an Agility Trial does so at their own risk and no Canine Control or Affiliate shall be responsible for any injury or damage to any exhibit.


Canine Control

Where referred to in the rules, the words ‘Canine Control’ shall mean the ANKC Member Body in each State or Territory of Australia.



An ‘Affiliate’ is a member body of a Canine Control conducting a Trial.


Contact Area

A contact area is an area painted a different colour to the body of an obstacle, onto which a dog must step whilst negotiating that obstacle, except for the Scramble where contact is only required on the down side.


Exclusion Zone
An exclusion zone is a marked area into which the Handler must not step whilst negotiating that obstacle.


Penalty Faults

Are those faults e.g. (disciplinary) incurred by a dog or handler in addition to any time or course faults.


Standard Course Time (SCT)

SCT is the time set by the Judge within which a dog is required to complete the course in order to be clear of time faults. It will be determined by dividing the length of the course by the chosen speed, in metres per second and adding five (5) seconds for the table pause, where used.


Starting/Finishing ‘Gates’

These ‘Gates’ to consist of poles to be clearly visible, a minimum of 1200mm in height to signify a line across which a dog must pass to start and/or finish the run. These poles must be a minimum of six (6) metres apart and the starting and finishing ‘Gates’ must be no more than 2m from the first or last obstacle.


The dog is to be timed as it passes through the starting ‘Gate’ and timing is completed when any portion of the dog passes through the finishing ‘Gate’.


The dog is required to go between the 2 poles of the ‘Gate’ when starting and finishing.


Competitors and dogs must have a clear, straight and unobstructed path to the ‘Gates’ when used in a course.


Wrong Course
Wrong course is when the dog negotiates an obstacle out of the numbered order or negotiates an obstacle in the wrong direction.


Agility Trials are open to dogs registered with the Canine Control, of either sex and eighteen (18) months of age or over. Affiliates conducting Agility Trials must schedule to conduct as a minimum both ‘Novice’ and ‘Open’ classes. The schedule must also state whether these classes are to be run with one or two rounds.


Qualifications up to and including the date of closing of entry shall count as eligibility to compete in any Class.

(a)                NOVICE AGILITY CLASS:

For dogs which are not eligible for the title of Agility Dog (AD);


(b)               OPEN AGILITY CLASS:

For dogs of either sex which have qualified and applied for the title of Agility Dog (AD), Agility Dog Excellent (ADX) or Agility Dog Master (ADM).


Note: The Canine Control may give permission for Open Classes to be split to cater for dogs with a minimum of an ADX title and for dogs which have not qualified for an ADX title;


(c)                MASTER AGILITY CLASS:

For dogs of either sex which have qualified and applied for the title of Agility Dog Excellent (ADX) or Agility Dog Master (ADM).


Note: It is not compulsory for clubs to offer Master Class at an Agility Trial.


Note: The following Jumping Classes are optional and may be approved by the Canine Control.


(d)               NOVICE JUMPING CLASS:

For dogs eighteen months of age and over and of either sex which are not eligible for the title of Jumping Dog (JD);


(e)                OPEN JUMPING CLASS:

For dogs of either sex which have qualified and applied for the tile of Jumping Dog (JD) or Jumping Dog Excellent (JDX);


(f)                 MASTER JUMPING CLASS:

For dogs of either sex which have qualified and applied for the title of Jumping Dog Excellent (JDX) or Jumping Dog Master (JDM).



**Note: Once a dog has qualified for the title of Jumping Dog Master (JDM), it cannot compete in the Open Jumping Class.



All dogs eligible to be entered in Agility Trials in accordance with these rules shall be eligible to receive Title Certificates upon qualification and subsequent application.


The Canine Control will receive applications for the use of the letters ‘AD’. ‘ADX’ after the names of each dog certified by at least two different judges, and certified by at least three different judges for the use of the letters ‘ADM’ after the name of each dog to have gained a qualification certificate at the following specified number of Trials.






Number of Trials:





Applications for the Title must be accompanied by the prescribed fee and upon approval, a Title Certificate will be issued to the applicant authorizing the use of the letters concerned. An exhibit shall not be eligible to compete in the Novice Agility class if it has gained sufficient awards to qualify for the Title of AD prior to the close of entry.


Jumping Classes

All dogs eligible to be entered in Agility Trials in accordance with these rules shall be eligible to receive Title Certificates upon qualification and subsequent application.


The Canine Control will receive applications for the use of the letters ‘JD’. ‘JDX’, after the name of each dog, certified by at least two different judges and certified by at least three different judges for the use of the letters ‘JDM’ after the name of each dog, to have gained a qualifying certificate at the following specified number of Trials.






Number of Trials:





Applications for the Title must be accompanied by the prescribed fee and, upon approval, a Title Certificate will be issued to the applicant authorizing the use of the letters concerned. An exhibit shall not be eligible to compete in the Novice Jumping class if it has gained sufficient awards to qualify for the Title of JD prior to the close of entry.


Decisions of the Committee conducting the Agility Trial shall be subject to appeal to the Canine Control.


The Rules of the Canine Control shall apply to all Trials and to any Affiliate conducting the Trial. In the event of any inconsistency the Canine Control rules shall prevail.


Anyone taking part in an Agility Trial who openly impugns the actions or decisions of the Judge shall render themselves liable to be debarred from further participation in the trial and my be ordered from the grounds and further dealt with at the discretion of the Canine Control.


The ring shall be a minimum of 800 square metres except with the approval of the Canine Control.


A second rope may be erected outside the ring at a distance of approximately two (2) metres.


No bunting is to be placed on ring ropes. However where a second rope is used, bunting may be placed on that rope.


All entries are to be made in advance in accordance with the Canine Control rules. The height of the dog shall be specified on the entry form in order that the cataloguer can arrange the dogs in the small dog, medium dog and large dog categories.

Exhibits may be required to be inspected or vetted.


Measuring Dogs

The height of the dog at the withers is to be measured as follows:


Up to and including 380 mm


Over 380 mm to 550 mm incl


Over 550 mm


The Judge may at random check the height of a dog by utilizing an ANKC approved measuring device on a hard level surface.


An instrument to assist in placing dogs in the correct category, as per the diagram below, may be used by judges as an aid for speedy resolution of questions regarding the correct entry of the dog.























Bitches In Oestrum

Bitches in oestrum or showing a coloured discharge of any sort must not be permitted to compete in trials nor to be within the precincts of the trial.


Entry Number

The Handler will be provided with the dog’s catalogue number which the Handler will wear where it can be clearly seen.


All ring equipment necessary for the proper conduct of a Trial shall be provided by the Affiliate conducting the Trial, and must be approved by the Judge. Those obstacles which are adjustable for the three ranges of jump heights must conform as follows:


380 mm




700 mm


All equipment shall be made of suitable materials, be of sturdy construction and of light or bright colour unless otherwise specified in the description of that particular piece of equipment.


No equipment can be touched or moved by the Handler to assist the dog while negotiating the course.


The maximum deviation from the specified measurement of equipment shall not exceed 10%, however the measurements stated as ‘minimum to maximum’ sizes shall be considered as such with no deviation allowed.


Judging Chart

A properly compiled and separate Judging Chart, as described in these Rules, shall be provided for the Judge officiating at a Trial. Each chart shall be signed by the Judge who is responsible for all details required.


Timing Device

Adequate timing devices shall be supplied by the Affiliate conducting the Trial.


A separate device may be optional for timing the five (5) seconds on the Table.



Affiliates conducting trials shall provide a device, of an ANKC approved design, for measuring dogs.



Affiliates shall provide an efficient method of measuring each course, e.g. a measuring wheel or similar device.



Hurdles consist of two (2) uprights which support a bar or other center section.


Hurdles are to be adjustable for small, medium and large jump heights. The distance between the uprights is to be a minimum clear width of 1200 mm to a maximum clear width of 2000 mm.


The uprights are to be a minimum of 1200 mm high and not grooved. All center section of hurdles, whether bar or other, must be able to be dislodged if hit hard enough in EITHER direction. A bar is to be PVC tubing, approximately 34 mm in diameter, and be painted in contrasting colours in alternate sections of approximately 75 mm.


The other center sections may consist of fill-in bars, crossed bars or a solid wall, pseudo brick wall etc. but must be able to be dislodged.


Wings are optional but must be approved by the Judge and be a minimum of 1200 mm in height beside the upright.


Triple Jump

A Triple Jump consists of a set of three (3) hurdles set in a straight line, consisting of a Bar Hurdle, Solid Hurdle and Bar Hurdle, in that order.


The distances between the hurdles are to be set as follows:


1500 mm apart


2500 mm apart


3500 mm apart

Spread Hurdle

A Spread Hurdle consists of two (2) bar hurdles.


The hurdles must be adjustable for small, medium and large jump heights as show below:


Distance between hurdles

Height of first bar to ground

Height of second bar to ground




300 mm

450 mm

600 mm

300 mm

450 mm

600 mm

380 mm

570 mm

700 mm

Broad Jump

The Broad Jump consists of three (3) to five (5) separate boards.


Each board is to have a minimum clear length of 1200mm to a maximum clear length of 2000 mm and be no higher than 250 mm from the ground. For convenience, the five (5) boards may be built to telescope. There must be four (4) corner posts which are to be a minimum of 1200 high and have a minimum diameter as specified for weaving poles

This distance that a dog must jump and the number of boards to be used in the Broad Jump will be as follows:


800 mm

3 boards


1200 mm

4 boards


1500 mm

5 boards


A suitable hoop with the inside diameter of 440 mm to a maximum inside diameter of 600 mm and a minimum thickness of 100 mm, securely supported and fixed in an upright position to minimize movement.


The height of the hoop from the inside rim to the ground is to be adjustable for small, medium and large jump heights. The inside of the hoop must be closed as a safety measure to avoid dogs catching their feet as they go through. The hoop must be a light colour.


Collapsible Tunnel

The Collapsible Tunnel consists of rigid entrance sections to which a chute is attached. The opening of the entrance section shall not be elevated. It shall be a minimum of 600 mm to a maximum of 1100 mm long, and shall be 600 mm in diameter or 600 mm in width and height. The bottom inside surface of this section must have a non-slip surface, which may be provided by attaching a non-slip material. If the entrance section is cylindrical, the non-slip surface must extend to a height of at least 150 mm.


Dog Walk

The Dog Walk consists of three (3) connected planks, one plank angled up from the ground to then end of an elevated horizontal plank and the other angled from the other end, down to the ground and must be a light and visible colour i.e. white or a pale colour.


The length of each plank shall be a minimum of 3500 mm and a maximum of 4500 mm. The width shall be a minimum of 300 mm to a maximum of 330 mm. The planks are to have a non-slip surface. The horizontal plank is to be set 1200 mm off the ground.


The up and down planks are to have cleats of a maximum height of 10 mm and a maximum width of 19 mm set approximately 250 mm apart. Cleats are not to be positioned closer than 100 mm to a colour change. From the grounded end of the planks, three (3) contact areas are to be painted. Red to 600 mm, yellow from 600 mm to 900 mm and light blue from 900 mm to 1100 mm. These contact areas are to be painted on all visible sides.



The Scramble consists of two (2) planks connected at the top in an ‘A’ form.


The length of each plank is to be 2500 mm and the minimum width is to be 900 mm. The planks are to have a non-slip surface. A yellow contact area is to be painted on the planks 100 mm from the ground on the up and down sides. The 1100 mm is to be measured from the ground along the plank length. The planks are to have cleats of a maximum height of 10 mm and a maximum width of 19 mm set approximately 200 mm apart and are not to be positioned closer than 100 mm to the colour change.


The length of the obstacle along the ground to form the base of the ‘A’ is to be 3850 mm.



The top of the Table is to be 1000 mm square with a non-slip surface. It is to be adjustable for small, medium and large jump heights and should be anchored. There must be an exclusion zone of 1000 mm marked around the table.


Weaving Poles

Depending on the class there are eight to twelve (8-12) Poles which are set vertically in a straight line 600 mm apart without any 10% variation. They are to be a minimum of 1200 mm in height and a minimum of 20 mm to a maximum of 40 mm in diameter. No bar is to be fixed along the top of the poles. There must be an exclusion zone of 500 mm marked around the sides and ends of the Weaving Poles.



A See-saw is a plank poised on a central bracket.


The length of the plank should be a minimum of 3650 mm to a maximum of 4250 mm. The width is to be a minimum of 300 mm to a maximum of 330 mm. The height of the central bracket being approximately 1/6th of the length of the plank, from the ground.


Examples:         L = 3650 mm;              H = 600 mm

                        L = 4250 mm;              H = 700 mm


Contact areas 1100 mm from both ends of the plank are to be painted on all visible sides and should be a different colour to the remainder of the obstacle. The obstacle must be stable and the plank must have a non-slip surface. However it will not be equipped with cleats. The plank is to be designed to return to the original position once the dog has alighted.


Flexible Tunnel

The Flexible Tunnel is an open flexible concertina type tube.


It is to measure approximately 600 mm in inside diameter and be a minimum of three (3) metres to a maximum of six (6) metres long. The tunnel is to be flexible so that one or more bends can be shaped. It must be secured so that it will not move whilst in use.




Handlers may speak, whistle and use hand signals as they deem fit, but may be called to order by the Judge for making unnecessary noise or for any disorderly conduct. A Handler may give any number of commands without physical contact with the dog whilst competing.



On the Steward’s call of the dog’s catalogue number, the Handler will enter the ring with the dog on lead and stand in the vicinity of the start area where the lead must be removed and the collar may be removed and handed to a Steward. If a collar is used it may only be a flat, fixed collar.


The dog shall not enter the ring until the previous dog has completed its exercise and left the ring, except where separate entry and exits are used.



The Handler shall wait for the Judge to give the various orders. Failure to comply with this rule shall incur a minimum penalty of five faults and up to disqualification.



If before, during or after the test, the dog or Handler is guilty of any breach of the Rules, or other misbehaviour, a minimum penalty of five faults and up to disqualification shall be incurred.


A competitor shall not be penalized by spectator participation.



Reprimands, either verbal or physical, must not under any circumstances be used in the Ring, and shall incur a minimum penalty of five faults and up to disqualification.



Any Handler who does not answer the Ring Steward’s third call shall be marked ‘absent’.



Rule 199A:

Obedience / Agility Judges will not be permitted to judge and exhibit at the same trial.  Where Obedience, Agility and Agility Jumpers Classes are conducted together they are to be considered as one Trial for the purpose of this Rule.




Before judging commences, handlers may familiarize themselves with, or inspect the course without their dogs.

Judges may split the numbers to eliminate large numbers on course inspection.


No dogs are permitted in the competition area prior to commencement of judging.


If an unusual circumstance occurs which, in the opinion of the Judge, disadvantages the dog, the Judge may allow the dog to be re-run.


Should part of an obstacle not be in place before a dog negotiates the obstacle, provided the dog properly negotiates that part of the obstacle which remains, no penalty will be imposed and a re-run will not be ordered.



The Course Length is that distance measured by a Judge using a measuring wheel or similar device.



Speed of Travel (Rate) is the speed determined by the Judge.



The SCT is determined by the Judge measuring the total length of the course (CL) he/she has set and dividing this figure by the Rate and adding five (5) seconds for the Table pause, where used.




+ 5


Example: if CL = 120m, Rate = 2.0m/s





+ 5

= 65 seconds



The Judge must brief all competitors prior to the commencement of the trial, notifying them of the Standard Course Time (SCT) and advising them of any other details the Judge considers relevant. Instructions on Judging procedures and course to be given as a group briefing prior to the commencement of judging if course inspection is split.


‘Remove the lead and/or collar’, ‘Take up your position’, ‘Are you ready?’, ‘Go’, ‘Refusal’, ‘Test finished’ are to be the orders given by the Judge during the course of the test. The ‘Remove the lead and/or collar’ and ‘Take up position’ commands may be given by a steward if so designated by the Judge.


The Handler has to indicate that he is ready before he crosses the start line.



When a table is used, timing will commence on the word ‘Go’ and stop when all four (4) feet are on the table.

Where starting gates are used timing will commence when the dog crosses the starting line and stops when the dog crosses the finishing line.


If electronic gates are used the Handler is not permitted to go through the starting/finishing device at any time.


Starting and finishing gates are to be positioned no more than 2 metres from the first and the last obstacles.



The Judge may order the removal and disqualification from all Competitions on the day any dog that attacks and must lodge a report with the Canine Control. The Judge may order removal from competition of any dog which does not obey its handler, any Handler who interferes willfully with any competitor or a competitor’s dog or whose behaviour is objectionable and must exclude from competition any dog which the Judge considers unfit to compete.



A dog may with withdrawn during competition with the consent of the Judge.


It is at the Judge’s discretion to decide if a dog is not physically able to continue the course and whether the immediate withdrawal of such an exhibit should be ordered.



Any objection to the equipment of layout of the course must be lodged with a club official after notifying the Judge and before judging commences.



It is the Judge’s decision as to when a refusal to take an obstacle has occurred and the Judge will immediately advise the Handler by calling ‘Refusal’. A dog which fails to make an attempt at an obstacle is deemed to have refused the obstacle. The Judge will call ‘refusal’ for a dog entering the weave poles incorrectly in ADX and ADM.


A refusal should be called if when approaching or negotiating and making a focused approach to:


There shall be one Judge licensed for the appropriate Agility class. All final decisions shall be the Judge’s responsibility.



Stewards shall not be used to fulfill the Judge’s duties but may assist in the following positions. Stewards must not advise the Judges of faults in the course unless instructed to do so by the Judge.


Time Keeper – to time each dog as it runs the course from start to finish. The time keeper should be positioned where both the poles, which make up the start and/or finish ‘lines’ are visible so that the reference point is the same for each dog. For consistency, the same time keeper should be used in the one agility class, a backup time keeper is recommended but not essential.


Scribe – To record the time and faults incurred by each dog as directed by the Judge.


Assembly Steward – To line up the competitors in catalogue order, to ensure the ring is run as efficiently as possible. The assembly steward will be required to have the next competitor ready to walk into the ring by the time the previous competitor is finished and walking out.


Ring Steward – To perform general maintenance duties in the ring i.e. helping the Judge to set the course, checking equipment between dogs, replacing knocked bards etc. Should the Judge request it Ring Stewards should also be available for watching the contact areas on the Dog Walk, and/or Scramble.


Criteria for Stewards:

TimeKeepers or Scribes are not to own or have an interest in any dog competing in the class for which they are stewarding.



To obtain a qualifying certificate a dog must complete the round within the SCT and not incur any faults. Qualifying certificates shall not be awarded in the Second Round if one is held.


A certificate signed by the Judge shall be available to each qualifying exhibit.


Entries will be catalogues as Small, Medium and Large Dogs. The relevant obstacles will be adjusted in size with respect to the jump height categories for each section.


In order that no event becomes stereotyped and to test both the dog’s agility and the Handler’s control, the Judge appointed by the Affiliate conducting the Trial should decide the order of the obstacles.


A tunnel under A-frame or dogwalk must not be used in Novice.


Obstacles are to be numbered in sequential order. The numbered markers are to be numbered on one side only and are to be placed in the predetermined direction so they can be clearly seen by the handlers whilst negotiating the course. Every obstacle must be attempted in the correct order and direction as designated by the Judge.


The straight line distance between the end of one obstacle to the start of the next obstacle measured from the center of the exiting face to the center of the leading face of the next obstacle is to be a minimum of four (4) metres to a maximum of eight (8) metres.


Only obstacles that are to be negotiated are to remain in the ring.



All dogs entered in the Trial con compete in the first round. Five (5) course faults are scored for each mistake a dog makes. The time taken to complete the course will be measured and recorded up to 1/100 second. There is no time limit to complete the course. A dog’s total faults are the sum of the course faults, time faults and penalty faults.



To obtain a CLEAR ROUND a dog must negotiate the course within the SCT and not incur any faults as defined by these Rules.



Five faults will be incurred:

a)                  for each Weaving Pole missed. It is not necessary for the dog to re-attempt any of the missed poles. In Open and Master class, the dog must enter with the first pole on the dog’s left shoulder or a refusal will be called. If a dog does not enter the Weaving Poles in the first gap, with the first pole on the dog’s left, it must re-enter correctly to complete the course.

b)                  if the dog leaves the table before the five (5) seconds are up, the dog must get back on the table and the five (5) second count must start again;

c)                  if any part of an obstacle is dislodged. The Trip Jump is to be regarded as three (3) separate obstacles;

d)                  if any part of the Triple Jump is missed or refused. The dog must re-attempt the entire obstacle; In the attempt to negotiate the Triple Jump no out of order faults can be incurred;

e)                  if any obstacle is refused or missed, the dog must re-attempt that obstacle. Missing an obstacle means that the dog has gone past the obstacle;

f)                    if the dog misses the contact area of the Dog Walk either on the way up or on the way down. If both are missed it must be counted as two (2) mistakes. A Small Dog must step onto the red contact area, A Medium Dog must step onto the red or yellow contact areas and a Large Dog must step onto the red, yellow or blue contact areas;

g)                  if the dog misses the contact area on the Scramble on the way down;

h)                  if any obstacle is negotiated out of order in Novice and Open Class. The dog must return to the correct obstacle and continue the set course;

i)                    for each offence, if the dog fouls the ring;

j)                    each time the Handler infringes an exclusion zone whilst the dog is negotiating that obstacle;

k)                  if the dog leaves the plank of the See-saw before it has touched the ground;

l)                    if the dog misses the contact area of the See-saw either on the way up or on the way down. If both are missed it must be counted as two (2) mistakes;

m)                if the dog enters through to two front poles of the Broad Jump and exits through the side. Also if the dog moves, lands on or fails to jump the boards while negotiating the Broad Jump. Dogs clipping boards to be penalized only when boards are turned over or moved.

n)                  if the Handler and dog make contact, regardless of whether it is intentional or not.


A dog will be disqualified:

a)                  if the dog accumulates three refusals;

b)                  if the dog does not re-attempt a missed or refused obstacle;

c)                  if, in the Judge’s opinion, the dog is out of control;

d)                  if the Handler physically contacts the dog in a matter which assists it;

e)                  if the Handler touches the equipment to assist the dog;

f)                    if any dog takes the wrong course in the Master class;

g)                  if any Handler carries food or wears or carries aids (balls, bumbags, toys, dummies etc.) in the Ring;

h)                  if the dog fouls the equipment;

i)                    if any handler ducks under or jumps over any obstacle while negotiating the course.



Are scores as one (1) fault for every one (1) second or part thereof over the SCT i.e. 3.3 seconds over the SCT scores four (4) times faults.



When working out the placings the following is taken into account:



The Conduct of a Second Round is at the discretion of the Affiliate conducting the event and its intention regarding this must be published in the Schedule.


Only half the number of dogs that have competed in the first round are allowed to continue into the second round (0.5 is to be rounded up to the next whole number). The same rules of the first round apply to the second round. It is the Judge’s discretion as to the order in which the second round will be run. The dog with the least total faults in the second round will be the winner of the Trial. The rules for Placings will apply to the second round to determine the winner and other placegetters.


Example:          Total number of dogs competing in the 1st round – 23.

                        Number of dogs allowed to compete in the 2nd round = 12.


It is possible for a dog to win the Agility Trial and not get a qualifying certificate as it did not complete a clear round in the first round while, for example, the third placegetter may get a qualifying certificate because it completed a clear round in the first round.


Where only one Round is held in Novice and Open Classes, the rules for Placings will be used to determine the winner and other placegetters.


In Master class, there will be only one round. The rules for Placings will be used to determine the winner and other placegetters.



In the event of a Tied Score, the result shall be decided by time and in the event of this being tied, a run-off will be held.



To successfully negotiate the course the dog must, where applicable;

a)                  Jump the Hurdles and the Spread Hurdle;

b)                  Jump the Broad Jump by entering between the front poles, jumping the boards and exiting between the rear poles; The Broad Jump may be jumped from both directed, when the highest board is in the middle;

c)                  Go through the Tunnels from the front and exit at the other end;

d)                  Clearly negotiate the Scramble by climbing up and by climbing down. The dog must place at least one (1) foot or part of a foot in the yellow contact area of the Scramble on the way down;

e)                  Go up the plank of the Dog Walk, placing at least one (1) foot or part of a foot in the contact area; negotiate to top section and then descent the down plank placing at least one (1) foot or part of a foot in the contact area.

f)                    Weave between every Weaving Pole. The Handler must not step within the exclusion zone around the Weaving Poles while negotiating that obstacle. Also in Open and Master class the dog must enter the space between the first two poles with the first pole on the dog’s left;

g)                  Land on the Table and remain there while the Handler does not step within the exclusion zone for the count of five (5) seconds and until the Judge indicates to continue the course;

h)                  Jump or scramble through the hoop;

i)                    Go up the See-saw, placing at least one (1) foot or part of a foot in the contact area, cross the balance point and descent, placing at least one (1) foot or part of a foot in the contact area. The dog must not leave the See-saw until the plank has touched the ground.

NOVICE AGILITY CLASS (10 to 12 Obstacles)


·        Broad Jump

·        Table

·        Spread Hurdle

·        Hoop

·        Weaving Poles – 8

·        Dog Walk

·        Scramble

·        Collapsible Tunnel (optional)

·        Flexible Tunnel (optional)

·        Triple Jump (optional)

·        Single Hurdles (optional)


The Triple Jump, if used is, for the purpose of the number of obstacles, counted as three obstacles. It is optional to use either the Triple Jump of 3 Single Hurdles, but not both.


Obstacles may only be negotiated once in the course.


OPEN AGILITY CLASS (14 to 16 Obstacles)

Open class is to use all of the mandatory equipment used in the Novice class (but there must be 12 Weaving poles), plus the See-saw and 6-8 other obstacles. Triple jump, if used is, for the purpose of the number of obstacles, counted as three obstacles.


There is no limit top the number of times an obstacle can be used, with the exception of the contact obstacles, table and weavers, which are not to be negotiated more than once.


·        Broad Jump/s

·        Table

·        Spread Hurdle/s

·        Hoop/s

·        Weaving Poles – 12

·        Dog Walk

·        Scramble

·        See-saw

·        Collapsible Tunnel/s (optional)

·        Triple jump (optional)

·        Single Hurdles (optional)

·        Flexible Tunnel/s (optional)


MASTER AGILITY CLASS (18 to 22 Obstacles)

The Judge may select obstacles from the following list to use in the course.


With the exception of those obstacles marked “optional”, all obstacles listed below must be performed. The weaving poles can only be used once. The Triple Jump, if used is, for the purpose of the number of obstacles, counted as three obstacles.


·        Broad Jump/s

·        Spread Hurdle/s

·        Hoop/s

·        Weaving Poles – 12

·        Dog Walk

·        Scramble/s

·        Table (optional)

·        Collapsible Tunnel/s (optional)

·        Triple Jump (optional)

·        See-saw (optional)

·        Single hurdles (optional)

·        Flexible Tunnel/s (optional)


The Following classes are adopted as Optional Classes and the Jumping Classes will be conducted under the ANKC Agility Rules except that, if a dog takes the wrong course in Jumping Classes it will be disqualified.


NOVICE JUMPING CLASS (14 to 16 Obstacles)

There is no limit to the number of times an obstacle can be re-negotiated in Novice.


With the exception of those obstacles marked as optional, all obstacles listed below must be performed at least once in a Novice Jumping course.


·        Broad Jump

·        Hoop

·        Flexible Tunnel

·        Single Hurdles

·        #Spread Hurdle – optional

·        Collapsible Tunnel – optional in inclement weather


#This was printed as Single however, the Canine Control advised this was a printing error and should read Spread.


OPEN JUMPING CLASS (16 to 18 Obstacles)

There is no limit to the number of times an obstacle can be re-negotiated in Open.


With the exception of those obstacles marked as optional, all obstacles listed below must be performed at least once in an Open Jumping course.


·        Broad Jump

·        Hoop

·        Single Hurdles

·        Weaving Poles – 12*

·        Flexible Tunnel

·        Spread Hurdle – optional

·        Collapsible Tunnel – optional in inclement weather


* must be entered with first pole on dogs left shoulder.


MASTER JUMPING CLASS (18 to 20 Obstacles)

There is no limit to the number of times an obstacle can be re-negotiated in Master.


The Judge may select obstacles from the following list to use in the course.


·        Broad Jump

·        Spread Hurdle

·        Hoop

·        Collapsible Tunnel

·        Flexible Tunnel

·        Single Hurdles

·        Weaving Poles – 12*


* must be entered with first pole on dogs left shoulder.






Dog Heights




Jump Heights




Triple: distance




Spread: distance




Spread: first bar




Broad: distance




Broad: no. of boards




Weaving poles: distance between





Contact area:

Dog Walk









Exclusion Zones:





Weaving Poles









No. of Weaving Poles




No. of obstacles





The SCT is determined by the Judge measuring the total length of the course (CL) he/she has set and dividing this figure by the Rate and adding five (5) seconds for the Table pause.



CL (metres)

Rate (metres per second)

+ 5





+ 5

= 65 seconds





This is intended as a guide only and in no way reflects the opinion of ANKC or CCC(Q

nor does this guide form part of the ANKC Rules as stated above.












